Preserve Your Life
Greatest Treasures ...
... goodness, love and peace.
Preserve Your Life
Greatest Treasures ...
... goodness, love and peace.
As long as I live
My heart will express a humble Kindness.
As long as the wind blows
My kindness will gallop freely.
As long as my heart beats,
My spirit will always go
Searching for you
To influence you
To be kind to others.
My heart will express a humble Kindness.
As long as the wind blows
My kindness will gallop freely.
As long as my heart beats,
My spirit will always go
Searching for you
To influence you
To be kind to others.
Foreword / 6......................................................................................................,
Infinite love is the only truth / 7..........................................................................
What is love / 8...................................................................................................
What is the purpose of life / 9.............................................................................
Blessings / 10......................................................................................................
The human race / 10...........................................................................................
Have you been kind today? / 11........................................................................
Beyond tomorrow / 12........................................................................................
Kindness / 12......................................................................................................
Kindness & peace / 12........................................................................................
A humble message to all the world leaders / 13................................................
The ray of a soul / 15..........................................................................................
Love, kindness and sunshine / 16.......................................................................
Kindness and joy / 16............................................................................................
Kindness and swearing / 17...............................................................................
Watch / 18...........................................................................................................
Watch your words / 18........................................................................................
Generosity / 19...................................................................................................
Kindness and gratitude / 20..................................................................................
The homeless / 21...............................................................................................
Smile / 22............................................................................................................
A dying flower / 23.............................................................................................
Be kind to a stranger / 24...................................................................................
Maintain your perspective / 24...........................................................................
Practice love / 25................................................................................................
Keep a journal / 25.............................................................................................
Develop honesty / 26..........................................................................................
Honor your past / 26..........................................................................................
Start your day well / 27......................................................................................
Learn to say no gracefully / 27..........................................................................
Take one day rest / 27.........................................................................................
Do not worry / 27...............................................................................................
Learn to relax / 28..............................................................................................
Get up early / 28.................................................................................................
Laugh more / 28.................................................................................................
See your troubles as blessings / 28....................................................................
Take more risks / 29............................................................................................
Live a life / 29.....................................................................................................
Bless your money / 29........................................................................................
Make time worthy / 29.......................................................................................
Write thank-you notes / 30..................................................................................
Carry a book with you / 30.................................................................................
Create a love account / 30..................................................................................
Learn to listen / 31.............................................................................................
Develop habits / 31.............................................................................................
Have children as gifts / 32.................................................................................
Master your time / 32.........................................................................................
Do not get angry / 32.........................................................................................
Get good at asking / 33......................................................................................
Enjoy your work / 33..........................................................................................
Develop your talents / 34...................................................................................
Connect with nature / 34....................................................................................
Do not read the daily news / 35..........................................................................
Set goals / 35......................................................................................................
Develop good habits / 35....................................................................................
Practice forgiveness / 36....................................................................................
Drink freshly squeezed juices / 36......................................................................
Create a pure environment / 36..........................................................................
Walk in the woods / 37........................................................................................
Help others / 38..................................................................................................
Listen to music / 38............................................................................................
Write a legacy / 38..............................................................................................
Find good friends / 39........................................................................................
Be creative / 39...................................................................................................
Learn to sit quiet / 40.........................................................................................
Stop complaining / 40.........................................................................................
Increase your value / 40.....................................................................................
Be the best parent / 41........................................................................................
Be different / 41..................................................................................................
Don’t be moody / 41...........................................................................................
Enjoy simple things / 42.....................................................................................
Stop condemning / 42.........................................................................................
Every day counts / 43.........................................................................................
Be humble / 43....................................................................................................
Don’t finish every book you read / 44.................................................................
Be kind to yourself / 44.......................................................................................
Practice silence / 44...........................................................................................
Don’t pick up the phone every time it rings / 44.................................................
You need recreation / 45.....................................................................................
Set higher goals / 45...........................................................................................
Have a family mealtime / 46...............................................................................
Nurture your mind with great thoughts / 46.......................................................
Rewrite your life story / 46.................................................................................
Plant a tree / 47..................................................................................................
Keep your hope young / 47.................................................................................
Decompress before you go home / 47.................................................................
Respect your instincts / 48.................................................................................
Love your work / 48...........................................................................................
Collect quotes / 49.............................................................................................
Serve others / 49.................................................................................................
Be happy / 49......................................................................................................
Kindness & Encouragement / 51......................................................................
Open up to change / 51......................................................................................
Peace / 52...........................................................................................................
Abundance / 52...................................................................................................
Acceptance / 53..................................................................................................
Releasing the past / 54......................................................................................
Trust / 55............................................................................................................
Choice / 56.........................................................................................................
Peace of mind / 57.............................................................................................
Love / 58............................................................................................................
At meal time / 59................................................................................................
A humble prayer / 61........................................................................................
May all beings be happy / 62...........................................................................
Who am I? / 62...................................................................................................
Life is a journey / 63.........................................................................................
Life is a gift / 64...............................................................................................
Love is the only thing that matters / 65............................................................
What really matters / 67...................................................................................
A thousand hands / 67......................................................................................
The law of the universe / 69.............................................................................
Don't waste your energy / 69............................................................................
Some thoughts from ancient writings / 71........................................................
My final words / 75...........................................................................................
Infinite love is the only truth / 7..........................................................................
What is love / 8...................................................................................................
What is the purpose of life / 9.............................................................................
Blessings / 10......................................................................................................
The human race / 10...........................................................................................
Have you been kind today? / 11........................................................................
Beyond tomorrow / 12........................................................................................
Kindness / 12......................................................................................................
Kindness & peace / 12........................................................................................
A humble message to all the world leaders / 13................................................
The ray of a soul / 15..........................................................................................
Love, kindness and sunshine / 16.......................................................................
Kindness and joy / 16............................................................................................
Kindness and swearing / 17...............................................................................
Watch / 18...........................................................................................................
Watch your words / 18........................................................................................
Generosity / 19...................................................................................................
Kindness and gratitude / 20..................................................................................
The homeless / 21...............................................................................................
Smile / 22............................................................................................................
A dying flower / 23.............................................................................................
Be kind to a stranger / 24...................................................................................
Maintain your perspective / 24...........................................................................
Practice love / 25................................................................................................
Keep a journal / 25.............................................................................................
Develop honesty / 26..........................................................................................
Honor your past / 26..........................................................................................
Start your day well / 27......................................................................................
Learn to say no gracefully / 27..........................................................................
Take one day rest / 27.........................................................................................
Do not worry / 27...............................................................................................
Learn to relax / 28..............................................................................................
Get up early / 28.................................................................................................
Laugh more / 28.................................................................................................
See your troubles as blessings / 28....................................................................
Take more risks / 29............................................................................................
Live a life / 29.....................................................................................................
Bless your money / 29........................................................................................
Make time worthy / 29.......................................................................................
Write thank-you notes / 30..................................................................................
Carry a book with you / 30.................................................................................
Create a love account / 30..................................................................................
Learn to listen / 31.............................................................................................
Develop habits / 31.............................................................................................
Have children as gifts / 32.................................................................................
Master your time / 32.........................................................................................
Do not get angry / 32.........................................................................................
Get good at asking / 33......................................................................................
Enjoy your work / 33..........................................................................................
Develop your talents / 34...................................................................................
Connect with nature / 34....................................................................................
Do not read the daily news / 35..........................................................................
Set goals / 35......................................................................................................
Develop good habits / 35....................................................................................
Practice forgiveness / 36....................................................................................
Drink freshly squeezed juices / 36......................................................................
Create a pure environment / 36..........................................................................
Walk in the woods / 37........................................................................................
Help others / 38..................................................................................................
Listen to music / 38............................................................................................
Write a legacy / 38..............................................................................................
Find good friends / 39........................................................................................
Be creative / 39...................................................................................................
Learn to sit quiet / 40.........................................................................................
Stop complaining / 40.........................................................................................
Increase your value / 40.....................................................................................
Be the best parent / 41........................................................................................
Be different / 41..................................................................................................
Don’t be moody / 41...........................................................................................
Enjoy simple things / 42.....................................................................................
Stop condemning / 42.........................................................................................
Every day counts / 43.........................................................................................
Be humble / 43....................................................................................................
Don’t finish every book you read / 44.................................................................
Be kind to yourself / 44.......................................................................................
Practice silence / 44...........................................................................................
Don’t pick up the phone every time it rings / 44.................................................
You need recreation / 45.....................................................................................
Set higher goals / 45...........................................................................................
Have a family mealtime / 46...............................................................................
Nurture your mind with great thoughts / 46.......................................................
Rewrite your life story / 46.................................................................................
Plant a tree / 47..................................................................................................
Keep your hope young / 47.................................................................................
Decompress before you go home / 47.................................................................
Respect your instincts / 48.................................................................................
Love your work / 48...........................................................................................
Collect quotes / 49.............................................................................................
Serve others / 49.................................................................................................
Be happy / 49......................................................................................................
Kindness & Encouragement / 51......................................................................
Open up to change / 51......................................................................................
Peace / 52...........................................................................................................
Abundance / 52...................................................................................................
Acceptance / 53..................................................................................................
Releasing the past / 54......................................................................................
Trust / 55............................................................................................................
Choice / 56.........................................................................................................
Peace of mind / 57.............................................................................................
Love / 58............................................................................................................
At meal time / 59................................................................................................
A humble prayer / 61........................................................................................
May all beings be happy / 62...........................................................................
Who am I? / 62...................................................................................................
Life is a journey / 63.........................................................................................
Life is a gift / 64...............................................................................................
Love is the only thing that matters / 65............................................................
What really matters / 67...................................................................................
A thousand hands / 67......................................................................................
The law of the universe / 69.............................................................................
Don't waste your energy / 69............................................................................
Some thoughts from ancient writings / 71........................................................
My final words / 75...........................................................................................
A new book, a new free book,
an old reality, a beautiful subject.
It is different from many other books because it is ...
... the Book of Kindness
A new book, a new free book,
an old reality, a beautiful subject.
It is different from many other books because it is ...
... the Book of Kindness
"Love makes the heart glad,
unhappy, sick, never again!
So we must pass on the flame of love,
And make the whole world a better place."
Ervin Aranyosi
"Love makes the heart glad,
unhappy, sick, never again!
So we must pass on the flame of love,
And make the whole world a better place."
Ervin Aranyosi
"Love is the law of goodness.
The law of eternity.
The law of life.
The law of truth, harmony, beauty, the law that holds all things together.
the law of the great cooperation that unites and unites all,
in whose harmony the great solar systems are just as important,
as the smallest speck of dust."
Albert Wass
"Love is the law of goodness.
The law of eternity.
The law of life.
The law of truth, harmony, beauty, the law that holds all things together.
the law of the great cooperation that unites and unites all,
in whose harmony the great solar systems are just as important,
as the smallest speck of dust."
Albert Wass
"The effect of Heaven is to be good,
the effect of the Earth is abundance,
the effect of Man is order."
Béla Hamvas
"The effect of Heaven is to be good,
the effect of the Earth is abundance,
the effect of Man is order."
Béla Hamvas
Happiness makes you friendly,
hardship makes you strong,
sadness humanizes,
failure makes humble.
Only HOPE will take you forward ...
Happiness makes you friendly,
hardship makes you strong,
sadness humanizes,
failure makes humble.
Only HOPE will take you forward ...
Your heart is a garden
" Do you know what a flower is?
The goodness of the earth;
Do you know what goodness is?
The flower of the soul."
Sándor Petőfi
Your heart is a garden
" Do you know what a flower is?
The goodness of the earth;
Do you know what goodness is?
The flower of the soul."
Sándor Petőfi
Be Children Again
"People full of love!
Be beautiful and pure!
Scrub up your souls,
Make your hearts shine,
Be children again,
To love purity!"
Albert Wass
Be Children Again
"People full of love!
Be beautiful and pure!
Scrub up your souls,
Make your hearts shine,
Be children again,
To love purity!"
Albert Wass
"Every man has a song in his soul,
And he hears his own soul in every song.
And he who has a beautiful song in his soul,
He hears the song of others as beautiful."
Mihály Babits
"Every man has a song in his soul,
And he hears his own soul in every song.
And he who has a beautiful song in his soul,
He hears the song of others as beautiful."
Mihály Babits
The Law of Life
"The law of life is that everything has a repercussion.
What you give of yourself will find you.
As you measure, so shall you be measured.
The law of life is that good can only bring good.
The right path is the path of the just..."
One can change his life by changing his thinking!
But we can also choose to make our lives hell,
just hatred, unforgiveness, revenge, envy,
dissatisfaction, greed.
All these in turn bring fear into people's lives,
uncertainty, unrest, confusion, panic, mental illness.
I love myself very much and I define myself,
which path I take and who I accept.
I shape my own life.
The time comes, you grow old and die, and as you see it,
people die and life goes on.
So it's not this worldly, you don't have to fight for material things,
because one day you will have to leave them all behind!
It is the spiritual things that really matter:
Love, kindness, compassion, understanding, giving!
These things make you rich - they give you spiritual riches.
These things make you strong - they give you spiritual strength
and that's all that matters in life.
On the day you step out of the human body, only the strength of your soul matters.
Continuation of the Image Below ...
The Law of Life
"The law of life is that everything has a repercussion.
What you give of yourself will find you.
As you measure, so shall you be measured.
The law of life is that good can only bring good.
The right path is the path of the just..."
One can change his life by changing his thinking!
But we can also choose to make our lives hell,
just hatred, unforgiveness, revenge, envy,
dissatisfaction, greed.
All these in turn bring fear into people's lives,
uncertainty, unrest, confusion, panic, mental illness.
I love myself very much and I define myself,
which path I take and who I accept.
I shape my own life.
The time comes, you grow old and die, and as you see it,
people die and life goes on.
So it's not this worldly, you don't have to fight for material things,
because one day you will have to leave them all behind!
It is the spiritual things that really matter:
Love, kindness, compassion, understanding, giving!
These things make you rich - they give you spiritual riches.
These things make you strong - they give you spiritual strength
and that's all that matters in life.
On the day you step out of the human body, only the strength of your soul matters.
Continuation of the Image Below ...
So do good!
Show love!
Love your family!
Love your friend!
Love your neighbours!
Love those you meet!
Be compassionate, kind and compassionate!
So do good!
Show love!
Love your family!
Love your friend!
Love your neighbours!
Love those you meet!
Be compassionate, kind and compassionate!
Kindness, quite simply, is the rent we must pay for the space we occupy on this planet.
Imagine a Different World
Begin the Day with Kindness and Love
Fill the day with Kindness and Love
End the Day with Kindness and Love
Kindness is not only the golden chain in which society is bound together,
but a truly revolutionary idea that really can change the world.
The Book of Kindness
... is Spreading Goodness and Kindness All Over the World
This book offers a powerful, uplifting and revolutionary compilation
of goodness and kindness.
It is not enough to be motivated by an ideal of fairness,
honesty and kindness and to want this ideal to be realized in the world ...
So, what should we do? Quite simply, let others be, and continue to improve ourself.
As long as I live
My heart will express a humble Kindness,
As long as the wind blows
My kindness will gallop freely.
As long as my heart beats,
My spirit will always go
Searching for you
To influence you
To be kind to others.
On these few pages I am encouraging mankind who is the beauty, the pure, and the transparent, the reflection of a beautiful Character.
The mankind like crystals, the kind, the loving, the peaceful human being,
whose religion is loving kindness.
Be so kind and read these few pages which will give you overwhelming encouragement, beauty, hope, love and peace in your daily life.
This is my sincere desire to you from my heart.
Dedicated to Every One Around the World
“Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you -- not because they are nice, but because you are.” Author Unknown
“I would not interfere with any creed of yours or want to appear that I have all the cures. There is so much to know... So many things are true...
The way my feet must go may not be the best for you. So, I give this spark of what is light to me, to guide you through the dark, but not to tell you what to see.” Author Unknown
“Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion.”
The greatest gift we got is not Life, but Love.
Life without love would be just an existence.
The gift of Love enriches everyone beyond imagination.
Love does nurture, heal and make us to be the reflection of the Divine.
What would our existence without love, kindness, healing or Divinity be?
It would simply be an empty circle, nonsensical and dry.
One could not care to live or die.
Love and kindness will makes us to live in joy and happiness.
With Love in our hearts we cannot hate or lie.
To live this way we will have no hate, no anger, no suffering.
Without love life is loneliness and misery,
but with Love we will definitely change the World.
Love alone lifts our Soul and our Spirit to the Divine.
To love truly and living lovingly, we will live the reflection of kindness.
With love and kindness the Earth will be converted to a beautiful place.
What more could one want or ask?
If we all live in Love truly, all of us will experience life beyond imagination.
Love is the greatest Gift to you and to me.
No wonder that Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion.
What is the Purpose of Life?
We are here to learn, we are here to grow, and we are here to help others to grow and learn.
The life of Everyone of us is a service to others; not only by sharing,
healing through compassion, but by living our lives as an example for others.
"This is the true joy in life:
To being used for a purpose recognized by ourself as a mighty one.
To being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making us happy.
Our life belongs to the whole community and as long as we live,
it is our privilege to do for it whatever we can.
We want to be thoroughly used up when we die.
“For the harder we work, the more we live.
I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me.
It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment,
and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible
before handing it on to future generations.”
George Bernard Shaw
What is Love?
You will understand what love truly is when you stop thinking of it as feeling. To love is not to have a feeling for someone but to live in love and do everything with love - speak, walk, eat, breathe, study with love ...
Love arises when we have brought all our organs, cells and faculties into a state of harmony, so that they vibrate in unison with our Creator in light and peace.
So love is a permanent state of consciousness.
Those who have attained this state of consciousness feel their whole being
imbued with divine fluids, and everything they do is a melody.
A Blessing is sincere, heart-felt call for another’s well-being.
It is a Prayer born of Compassion and Love.
It is an Intention traveling from the connection that joins us and is sent out into the Universe.
We give of ourselves and send our energy out for another’s greatest good.
Have True Friends
The Human Race
The Human Race is one that has been around since the dawn of time.
Today, more and more are awakening and remembering who they really are,
where they came from and why they are here.
They are stepping forward to take peaceful action
and to realize their rightful soul purposes.
Let no one ever come to you without departing better and happier.
Be the living expression of kindness: kindness in your face,
kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.
A kind heart is a fountain of gladness,
making everything in its vicinity freshens into smiles.
Have you been Kind Today?
The kindness factor seems to be sadly outmoded in this urban age of muggings and grabbing. Can anything be done to improve the situation?
Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Was anyone kind to you? How did it feel? So make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world.
The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered act of kindness and of love.
Kindness comes in all sorts of shapes and forms, but to be the true value it should be selfless and without conditions, unreserved, but intelligent.
To be compassionate, knowledgeable and kind is to be truly wise. True kindness has to be totally free from any self-concern or self referencing.
Kindness is giving and there is nothing in it for the giver, except the joy of giving itself. There is nothing meek or mild about kindness. Its real power lies in responding to its relentless demand to give and hold nothing back.
“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate.”
Albert Schweizer
Kindness softens the armor of man. It soothes the heart and creates a place of comfort and safety. Acts of kindness can change our state of mind from fear- based anger and aggression to a feeling of acceptance, tranquility and peace.
We humans have the capacity to change the world with acts of love and kindness.
Let’s start by teaching our children the importance of compassion. Youth are the inheritors of this planet and all its potential.
The act of exposing our little ones to higher teachings of loving kindness will give them the correct tolls to construct a more tolerant and peaceful world.
Beyond Tomorrow
When you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice.
We live in an age when we have forgotten what life is all about. We live in a time where human beings have never been less connected. We have lost touch with our humanity. We have lost touch with our purpose. We have lost sight of the things that matter the most.
Who will Cry when you Die?
How many lives will you touch while you have the privilege to walk this planet?
What impact will your life have on the generations that follow you? And what legacy will you leave behind after you have taken your last breath?
The days slip into weeks, the weeks slip into months and the months slip into years. Pretty soon it’s all over and you are left with nothing more than a heart filled with regret over a life half lived.
Find your calling. We are all here for some unique purpose, some noble objective that will allow us to manifest our highest human potential while we, at the same time, add value to the lives around us.
Be the change that you wish to see most in your world. And once you do, your life will change.
The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
Kindness is one of the most important words in the English language. It is enormously resonant and life enhancing. Its power comes from its overwhelming simplicity. Deliberate Kindness can be fierce, -tenacious,- unexpected,-unconditional or positively revolutionary.
Every act of kindness by an individual or by thousands is a powerful tool to make a better world – love embraces kindness. It is unique,-limitless,- unfathomable. The most powerful resource for good.
Kindness is not only the golden chain in which society is bound together, but truly a revolutionary idea that really can change the world.
Making and getting money is not all of a man’s business. To cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life.
Kindness & Peace
To be kind is a state of beauty where there is no longer any mental anguish. It is a grand, a mind boggling concept. Yet, truly, small enough to package in a nutshell, because peace is, as we are, a truth that we can let ourselves experience. Kindness is a gift, a gift readily available for everyone, right here and right now. Kindness is in your heart – your humanness – your love and mercy for yourself and for others.
Desire kindness, peace, love, freedom and human dignity. When kindness will be understood, then there will be no more wars, no more bloodshed, no more hatred, no more crying of mothers and children because of the invaders and enemy’s money hungry, high-tech killing machines overwhelming destructions. There will be no more “Support Our Troops” stickers on cars.
There will be peace – where there is kindness, love, cheerfulness, generosity, and incredible harmony among human beings.
Because we know things that the politicians do not know.
Because we have a heart, which has astonishing principles. Not a heart which is striving for other countries’ wealth or striving for ruler ship dictated by ancient merciless principles.
Our heart has deeply rooted in – love your neighbors and love your enemy – everlasting principles which produced incredible people in the western world and in the far eastern countries. Apply kindness to all aspects of your valuable daily life.
A Humble Message to the World Leaders
1. Wisely, Guide them with Kindness and Improve their Health and Spirituality.
2. Unite them with Universal Love.
3. Respect their Nationality, Heritage, and Faith.
4. Protect Nations with Fair Laws, where Love and Kindness are the Basic the Principles.
5. Let all Nations Rule Internally, but with the Principles of Universal Love.
6. Avoid Petty Laws. Teach them Principles of Respect and Love for One Another.
7. Respect Individual Liberty with Social Duties.
8. Cherish Kindness, Beauty and Love - Seeking Harmony with the Infinite.
9. Encourage Humanity to be Balanced with Nature.
10. Teach them the Beauty of Nature,
to Respect the Nature and All Living Creatures on this Earth.
The Ray of a Soul
(Petőfi Sándor / Excerpt in free translation from Hungarian)
The grape is a tiny fruit,
Yet, it needs a whole summer to ripen.
The Earth, too, is a fruit, a giant fruit,
And if the tiny grape needs one whole summer, How many does this giant fruit need, Until it is ripe? It could take, Thousands, perhaps millions of years, But it will surely ripen one day,
And then people will feast on it, till the end of time.
The grape is ripened by the rays of the sun,
(But) until it is sweet, how many sun rays,
Must breathe upon it the warmth of their lives,
How many hundreds of thousands, millions of rays?... The Earth, too, is ripened by rays, but
These are not rays of the sun, (but) rather the souls of people.
Every generous soul is such a ray, but Only the generous soul, and they are rare, How can one expect, then
The Earth to ripen quickly?
I feel that I, too, am a ray, Helping the Earth to ripen.
The life of a ray is but a day,
I know that buy the time,
Of the great harvest,
I will have been long past my sunset, And traces of my minuscule work, Will be lost in the great undertaking, But the knowledge gives my life strength, And peace in my (hour of) death, That I, too, am a ray.
Kindness is nonviolence towards all living beings.
Love, Kindness and Sunshine
Think of Love and Kindness day and night, because by thinking of it, you are in touch with our Heavenly Father, Who is Purity and Light. This is the key!
How can you purify and strengthen your body? By learning to meditate about Love and Kindness which was manifested in every Creatures.
Everything you eat, drink or breathe leaves some waste within you which can never be completely eliminated.
Only Love, Kindness and Sunlight leaves no wastes.
By working mentally to absorb the subtle particles of Love, Kindness and Sunlight every day, you will begin to regenerate your own mental health and physical body.
Kindness & Joy
Everyone has to be treated with compassionate Universal Love.
To live with kindness means to live without hatred among those who do not like us. To live with kindness means never hating those who do not like us. To live with kindness means to live without disease among those who are unfortunately ill.
To live in joy means never falling sick like those who are sick. To live with kindness means to live among those who are pure in heart and mind while having virtues, kindness and wisdom.
To live with kindness means to be a friend of those who are good, wise, and loving. Although some of us are not so fortunate, we all deserve to live with kindness and joy.
If we will have freedom and joy, there will be kindness, love, cheerfulness, generosity, and incredible harmony among human beings.
A kind man is truthful, virtuous, gentle, self-controlled, peaceful and pure in mind. A kind man calmly considers what is right and what is wrong.
A kind man faces different opinions with truth, nonviolence and peace. Whether it is great or small, they turn all evil into peace. They choose the good and avoid the bad.
Adversely, those who are destroying lives and countries, uttering lies, taking what is not given to them, getting drunk – they are digging up the very roots of their own lives.
Whether you are young or old, please consider to desire freedom, joy, peace, kindness, love and human dignity.
Guard and protect your thoughts, words and deeds.
Kindness & Swearing
Swearing is the most annoying and controversial words in the English language. Its power comes from its overwhelming degrading influence, which degrades us and our fellow human beings.
It scars the brain with a negative focus, therefore shutting down our higher faculties and severely limiting our creativity. Every swear word by an individual or by the thousands is a powerful tool to destroy our society and lower the value of human beings.
Swearing is producing a heartless generation where “F”, “M-F” and “SH” words will be common and ruthless.
Swearing is not only mindless but a terrible influence to our children. Many sensitive children have been bruised, hurt and humiliated by these words.
Hollywood’s film industry, TV screens, rap music and even our daily conversations are filled with these filthy words.
One day at a time, cultivate your words with kindness, politeness and uplifting words, it will bring peace for today and create a better tomorrow.
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Watch your words
“The destruction wrecked by many people everyday with unkind words, snide remarks or all out verbal attacks on our friends and loved ones is just as destructive as any physical punishment. Human beings are highly sensitive to the world around them. Their conscious mind protects them from unkind verbal attack with retaliation and reason but the less focused subconscious mind does not have this ability to decipher, it stores every occurrence within its field of observation, even when it is not noticed consciously.
Verbal abuse is accumulated in the minds subconscious storehouse and can be dispersed and discharged with little harm in modest quantities. However, when we are consistently bombarded by abuse, unkind words, spitefulness, vindictiveness, and callousness this negative energy turns inwards and manifests in a wide range of physical maladies, from migraines to cancer.
One particular woman underwent fourteen major operations for reoccurring cancers and cysts due directly to the physical and verbal abuse she endured from her bullyboy alcoholic husband. The day she finally gave up and left him she regained her health and the growths ceased. It remains a remarkable human oversight that such a powerfully destructive weapon as speech should be used with such disregard for the human suffering it can cause when unleashed without consideration of its effect on our fellow man.”
Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. - Rumi p. 96 - The Miracle Man - By Robert Pellegrino-Estrich / Brasil
“Men are ready to suffer anything from others; when it comes to words, they are untouched”
“People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.”
Giacomo Leo-pardi Kindness & Gratitude
Unlocks the fullness of life, makes things right. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It turns problems into gift failures into success, and mistakes into important events.
Apply kindness and gratitude for your every day life and let it work its magic.
Focus until you can see it clearly. Live today fully, expressing kindness and gratitude for all you have been, all you are now, and all you are becoming. Say “Thank you” for all things – and expect miracles to happen.
Kindness & Generosity
“I will not be hurt if my gift is undervalued.
When I give generously expect nothing in return.”
“From the infinitely changeless vessel of spirit,
I savour the inexhaustible richness of generosity.”
Eduardo Cuadra 1820-1903
The world’s best and oldest questions are what really make us happy? This secret boils down to two things – Giving and Getting. Did you receive something from someone, or did you give something to someone?
We have two hands: One to receive and the other to give.
Take stock of what you have to give to others – whether practical, emotional, constructive or empathetic.
So open your arm, open your heart to share, to give and find joy and happiness in giving.
Those who keep their arms crossed and their heart closed do not get much joy and happiness in their life. True, we get our share of troubles and sadness. We also get a lot of tiny delights – and they are everywhere all around us.
May I remind you to open your arms as wide as possible and receive it as much you can, that you can share it and give it to others, as none needs more to learn about giving who has a hard time to give.
Give to others while expecting nothing- in return invokes your well being, your kindness, and your harmony to others.
If we have wealth, but no friends, we cannot be happy.
If we have friends, even without wealth, we are the rich, the wealthy,
the happy, the healthy,
and the wonderful human being.
The Homeless
I’m just a homeless, dirty, unshaven, old tramp. I do not look good at all.My walking stick helps me to get on the bus.
Soon as I got on among the youth, an old lady offered me her seat.I thanked her with great gratitude and accepted the offer.
My walking stick was from a fine large tree that became my friend,which protected me for years from the storms and rain;the rain that gives life to the trees and weedsand falls on the rich and poor, sick and healthy, good and bad- with an astonishing goodness.
Suddenly the sun came out; it shined and shinedand missed no one or nothing, but kindly shinedand blessed everyone with unselfish generosity.
Oh, I remember that kind man who years agostuck a $20 bill in my pocket and never got a thank you for it.
Or that little girl who gave me a $5 bill because her mother wanted to teach her that ...
“Kindness in giving creates love.”
I have to say that I saw love, kindness, honesty,and compassion on the street. Took me years to be a different old man... influenced by the kindness of others.
Throughout the years one experience touched my heart the most– when a man was robbed near to me...when he had the courage to say in his panic...
“Here is my kind heart and there is my money, take whatever you please, and all of it if you want.”
My heart melted underneath the warmth of loveand goodness of this kind man. And this good man walked away with his heart and his money untouched by the mob.
The Last Words from a Dying Soldier
Written for the 1st War in Iraq / 1992
There on a misty morning.
The sun slowly rises
After a battle in Baghdad there lies her youngest son
Tears in his eyes,
Wounded and dying.
Mother, if I could live my life again
If I could call the world my friend
If I could write my story end
I would call this war in vain
Just to see you once again.
A smile comes to his face,
An easy calm front of him His life flashes
by Amidst his boyish charms,
He feels his mother’s arms
In that painless moment,
He hears her cry...
Son, if I could roll back the years,
If I could see through these tears
If I could face all my fears
I would call this war in vain,
Just to hold you once again.
If I could roll back the years again,
If I could see your face again,
If I could call the world my friend,
Where there is peace and love again
Just to see you mother again.
Please remember me forever
And share my story whenever
Please forget me never...
Your dying son from Baghdad.
Life is infinite, life is every moment. Life is here for thousands of years. It is here to bring smiles to your face. And you are the center of it. You are the beauty – you are the pure – you are the crown of life. You are like crystals, - so clear, so transparent. Sometimes some clouds come, so what? The clouds are passing on!
Life is sacred – so celebrate life every day. Just look around you – the whole world belongs to you!
Don’t look at the wars, the bloodshed, and the politician’s high-tech killing machines overwhelming destructions.
See the beauty of life! You have gone through life – you experienced life, life is incredible! It is structured – it is amazing!
Now, just sit and smile and laugh! Your smile costs nothing, but gives much – it enriches those who receive it – without making poorer those who
give it. It takes just a moment, but the memory of it can last forever.
No one is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor that he can’t be made rich by it. A simple smile creates happiness in the home, creates good will in the business, and is the countersign of friendship. It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged and sunshine to the sad.
It is nature’s best antidote for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, cannot be begged, borrowed or stolen. It is something of no value until it is given away.
In today’s difficult life, people are too tired to give you a smile – so give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has a hard time to give.
Be Kind to a Stranger
Let us be kinder to one another. A meaningful life is made up of a series of daily acts of decency and kindness, which, ironically, add up to something truly great over the course of a lifetime. Every person you pass during the moments that make up your days represents an opportunity to show a little more of the compassion and courtesy that defines your humanity.
If you make even one person smile during your day or brighten the mood of even one stranger, your day has been a worthwhile one.
Maintain your Perspective
A man with a serious illness was taken into a hospital room. Another patient was on a bed next to the window. The two became friends. The one next to the window would look out and spend time delighting his companion with beautiful description of the world outside. Some days he would describe the beauty of the trees. Other days he would replay the things people were doing as they walked past the hospital.
Everyday he was describing how wonderful the life was out of the hospital. The bed ridden companion grew frustrated that he could not observe the wonders his friend described. He started to dislike him and hate him. One night the patient next to the window stopped breathing. His friend rather than pressing the button for help, he chose to let him die. The patient who had given so much happiness and joy by recounting the sites outside the window was taken out from the room. The other man quickly asked the nurse that if
his bed can be placed next to the window. As he looked out the window, he discovered something that makes him shake. The window faced a brick wall. His former roommate described in his imagination of a loving gesture to make the world of his friend a little bit better during the difficult time. He had acted out of selfless love.
To live happier, more fulfilling lives, when we encounter a difficult circumstance, we must keep shifting our perspective and continuously ask ourselves, “Is there a wiser, more enlightened way of looking at this seemingly negative situation?”
We walk this planet for such a short time. In the overall scheme of things, our lives are mere blips on the canvas of eternity. So have the wisdom to
enjoy the journey and savor the process.
Practice Love
The golden thread of a highly successful and meaningful life is self- discipline. Without self-discipline, you cannot set clear goals, manage yourtime effectively, treat people well, persist through the tough times, care for your health or think positive thoughts.
The habit of self-discipline “Tough Love” because getting tough with yourself is actually a loving gesture. By being stricter with yourself, you will begin to live life more deliberately, on your own terms rather than simply reacting to life.
The quality of your life ultimately is shaped by the quality of your choices and decisions, ones that range from the career you choose to pursue to the books you read, the time that you wake up every morning and the thoughts you think during the hours of your days.
Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it.
Keep a Journal
Maintaining a daily journal is one of the best personal growth initiatives you will ever take. Writing down your daily experiences along with the lessons you have drawn from them will make you wiser with each passing day. You will develop self-awareness and make fewer mistakes. Writing in a journal offers you the opportunity one-on-one conversations with yourself. And writing in a journal promotes growth and wisdom by giving you a forum to study, and then leverage, your past for greater success in your future.
Remember, if your life is worth thinking about, it is worth writing about.
Develop Honesty
We live in a world of broken promises. Saying things we don’t really mean becomes a habit when we practice it long enough. The real problem is that when you don’t keep your word, you lose credibility. When you lose credibility, you break the bonds of trust. And breaking the bonds of trust ultimately leads to a string of broken relationships.
Every time you do not tell the truth, you feed the habit of being untruthful. Be a person of your word rather than being “all talk and no action.”
Honor Your Past
Every second you dwell on the past you steal from your future. Every minute you spend focusing on your problems you take away from finding your solutions. Use these life lessons to fuel your future growth. Those who take more chances and do more than others will naturally experience more failures.
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed.
Start your Day Well
The way you begin your day determines the way you will live your day. If you have the wisdom and self-discipline to ensure that during this key period, you think only the purest of thoughts and take only the finest of actions, you will notice that your days will consistently unfold in the most marvelous ways.
So start your day well. You will never be the same.
Learn to Say No Gracefully
It is easy to say yes to every request on your time when the priorities of your life are unclear. The solution is to be clear about your life’s highest objectives and then to learn to say no with grace.
Learning to say no to the non-essentials will give you more time to devote to the things that have the power to truly improve the way you live and help you leave the legacy you know in your hear you are destined to leave.
Take One Day Rest
The real problem lies in the fact that in this age of global anxiety we do not get enough relief from stress. Revitalize yourself and nourish the deepest part of you, plan weekly one day period of rest. In the Bible it is written “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work...” Get back to the simpler pleasures of life, pleasures that you may have given up as your days grew busier. Bringing this simple habit into your weeks will help you reduce stress, connect with your more creative side and feel far happier in every role of your life.
Do Not Worry
Too many people are spending the best years of their lives stuck in a state of constant worry. They worry about their jobs, their bills, their children etc. You must train yourself to leave your troubles behind and do something more productive, such as going for a walk in the nature or reading an inspirational book or having a heart-to- heart conversation with someone you love.
This simple but powerful technique will help you gradually reduce the amount of time you spend worrying and eventually
serve to eliminate this habit forever.
Learn to Relax
When from our better selves we have too long been parted by the hurrying world, sick of its business, of its pleasures tired, how gracious, how benign is solitude. When was the last time you made the time to relax? It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is what are you so busy about? Saying that you don’t have enough time to relax on a regular basis is a lot like saying you are too busy driving to stop for gas – eventually it will catch up with you.
Get up Early
Getting up early is a gift you give to yourself. Few disciplines have the power to transform your life as does the habit of early rising. By rising early will provide you with at least one quiet hour for yourself during the most crucial part of your day: the beginning. If spent wisely, the rest of your day will unfold in a wonderful way.
Life change takes time, effort and patience. But the results you will receive make the initial stress you experience more than worth it.
Troubles as Blessings
We learn the most from our most difficult experiences? Realize that pain is a teacher and failure is the highway to success. Begin to see your troubles as blessings resolve to transform your stumbling blocks into stepping stones and vow to turn your wounds into wisdom.
Laugh More
Daily laughter has been shown to elevate our moods, promote creativity and give us more energy. We don’t laugh because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh.
Reconnect to your playful side and enjoy the wonders of a deep belly laugh.
Take More Risks
Life is nothing more that a game of numbers – the more risks you take, the more rewards you will receive. Fortune is not on the side of the faint-hearted. One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. Stop spending your days searching for security and to start spending your time pursuing opportunity. It’s risky out on a limb. But that’s where all the fruit is.
Live a Life
We all travel different roads to our ultimate destinations. For some of us, the path is rockier than for others. Remember, there are no real failures in life, only results. There are no true tragedies, only lessons. And there really are no problems, only opportunities waiting to be recognized as solutions by the person of wisdom.
Bless your Money
When you send your money out, remember to bless it. Ask it to bless everybody that it touches, and command it to go out and feed the hungry and clothe the naked, and command it to come back to you a million-fold. When you pay for your groceries, silently bless all those who have helped bring this food to you: the farmers who have grown it, the delivery people who have carried it and the store clerks who have stocked it. As that timeless truth says,
“The hand that gives is the hand that gathers.”
Time is Worthy
Time is your most precious commodity and yet most of us live our lives as if we have all the time in the world. The real secret to getting things done is to
know what things need to be left undone. Once you start spending the hours of your days only on those high-leverage activities and priorities that will advance your life’s mission and legacy, everything will change. The person who chases two rabbits catches neither.
There is nothing as useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.
Write Thank-you Notes
Everyone loves getting mail – it’s a fact of human nature. So write thank you notes sometimes - and all the people that you deal with will be glad you did.
Carry a Book with You
So long as you live, keep learning how to live.
When you expose your mind to the thoughts of the greatest people who have walked this planet before you, your game improves, the depth of your thinking expands and you rise to a whole new level of wisdom.
Create a Love Account
There are no great acts. There are only small acts done with great love.
To practice being more loving, create a love account. Each day, make a few deposits in this very special reserve by doing something small to add joy to the life of someone around you. Buying your partner fresh cut flowers for no reason at all, sending your best friend a copy of your favorite book or taking the time to tell your children in no uncertain terms how you feel about them - are all good places to start.
Those tiny, daily deposits into the love account will give you far more happiness than any amount of money in your bank account.
Without the rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar. The means to gain happiness is to throw out for oneself like a spider in all directions an adhesive web of love, and to catch in all that comes.
Learn to Listen
We have two ears and one mouth for a reason: to listen twice as much as we speak. And having the courtesy to be a better listener has another advantage: since you are not doing all the talking, you are doing all the learning, gaining access to information you would have missed had you been engaged in the usual monologue.
Resist the temptation to interrupt. Catch yourself just before you do so and pay more attention to the content of what the other person is saying to you. It will bring you much closer to the people you interact with every day of your life.
Develop Habits
The mark of a strong character lies not in doing what is fun to do or what is easy to do. The sign of deep moral authority appears in the individual who consistently does what he ought to be doing rather than what he feels like doing. A person of true character spends his days doing that which is the right thing to do.
Rather than watching television for three hours after an exhausting day at work, he has the courage to get up off the couch and read to his children. Instead of sleeping in on those cold wintry mornings, this individual exercises his natural reserves of self-discipline and gets out of bed for a run. And since action is a habit, the more positive actions you take, the more you will feel like taking.
The smallest of actions is always better than the boldest of intentions.
Have Children as Gifts
It is easy to promise yourself you will spend more time with your children “when things slow down at work” or “when I get that big promotion: or “next year when I get a little more time.” But if you don’t act on life, life has a habit of acting on you.
The weeks slip into months, the months slip into years and before you know it, that little child is now an adult with a family of her own.
The greatest gift you can give to your children is the gift of your time. And one of the greatest gifts you will ever give yourself is that of enjoying your children and seeing them for what they truly are: the small miracles of life...
...the loving, the kind, the courteous, the polite, the joyful, the sober – the way you raised them.
Master your Time
Time is life’s great leveler. We all have the same allotment of twenty-four hours in a day. Because we don’t know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood? How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty and yet it all seems limitless.
Commit yourself to managing your time more effectively. Develop a keen sense of awareness about how important your time really is.
Do not Get Angry
Anyone can become angry – that’s easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not easy.
With all the stress and pressure in our lives, it is easy to lose our patience at the slightest irritation. Tough times call for patient people and they are always patient and calm when the pressure is on.
Keeping your patience in a moment of crisis can save you years of pain and anguish. Hurtful words unleashed in a single minute of anger have led to many a broken friendship. Words are like arrows: once released, they are impossible to retrieve. So choose yours with care. An excellent way to control your temper is simply to count for 100 before you respond to someone who has irritated you.
Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and help them become what they are capable of being. These are wise words to live by.
Get Good at Asking
He who asks may be a fool for five minutes. He who doesn’t is a fool for a lifetime.
The more you ask, the more you get, but it takes practice to get good at it. Success is a numbers game. Every arrow that hits the bull’s eye is the result of one hundred misses. Remember, the person who asks for what he wants at least has a chance of getting what he wants. The person who does not ask has no chance.
If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you often get it.
Enjoy your Work
The job today is not just to make money, it’s to make meaning. One of the best ways to find the higher meaning in the work you do is to use the technique of creative questioning to become aware of the impact your work has on the world around you.
If you are a teacher, stop focusing on all the tremendous changes in your profession, and remember that every day you enter that classroom, you have the privilege to shape a young mind. There are children and families that count on you.
Few things energize the human spirit more than the desire to make a difference in the lives of others.
The simple shift of mind can bring a new sense of enjoyment into your life.
Develop your Talents
The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live.
The sad thing is that most people have lost sight of the human gifts that lie within them and have resigned themselves to spending the best years of their lives watching television in a subdivision. Humankind abused its limitless powers. Too many people spend more time focusing on their weaknesses rather than developing their strengths.
Perhaps you have just not taken the time to discover what your personal gifts are and then honed them to the level where you are considered brilliant. Are you using the best within you to its fullest capacity? If not, you are not only doing yourself a disservice, you are doing the world, and all those within it who could benefit from your unique talents, a disservice.
Connect with Nature
Spend time alone in natural surroundings which will connect you to a larger universe and restores your spirit in this age.
Communing with nature is also an excellent way to unlock your creativity and generate new ideas. Newton formulated the laws of gravity while relaxing under an apple tree. And while you spend time enjoying nature, observe your surroundings with deep concentration.
Study the complexity of a flower or the way the current moves in a sparkling stream. Take your shoes off and feel the grass under your feet. Give silent thanks that you have the privilege of enjoying these special gifts of nature. Many people do not.
Do not Read the Daily News
In our society, more people will watch the criminal trial of a celebrity rather than the biography of great human beings. A newspaper with a headline revealing the latest tragedy will sell more copies than one announcing the latest scientific breakthrough. It’s easy to get addicted to reading and watching negative news. Do not read negative story in the newspaper or watch even one negative report on television for the next week.
You will notice two things. First, you will not really miss out on much information. You will still hear about it in your office and through your encounters at home. Second, you will feel much more peaceful and serene. As well, you will find that the seven-day news fast offers yet another benefit: more time to do the things that will truly improve the quality of your life.
Set Goals
Something magical happens when you write down your goals on paper. It restores a sense of focus in your world, a world that has become complicated by too many options. In this age we live in, there are simply far too many things to do at any given time.
A clear plan relieves you of the torment of choice.
Goals and plans take the worry out of living.
If you set goals, the actions you take will be based on your life’s mission rather than on your day-to-day moods. Selecting goals that engage and motivate you is one of the best ways to boost the level of your personal commitment of life and increase the energy you bring to your days. So set big goals. You are only as rich, whether materially or spiritually, as your dreams. Don’t blunt. Aim out of the ballpark. Aim for the company of immortals.
Develop Good Habits
New habits are much like a new pair of shoes: for the first few days, they will feel uncomfortable. But if you break them in for about three weeks, they will fit like a second skin. It is difficult adopting new habits and overcoming the gravitational forces that prevent us from moving to higher levels of living.
Powerful indeed is the empire of habits.
Practice Forgiveness
It is almost as if you carry that person around on your back with you. He drains you of your energy, enthusiasm and peace of mind. But the moment you forgive him, you get him off your back and you can move on with the rest of your life.
Forgiveness is a great act of spirit and personal courage. It is one of the best ways to elevate the quality of your life.
Drink Fresh Juices
The foods you consume affect your moods as well as the clarity of your thinking. So why would you put anything less than the best foods into your body, which is an even more valuable performance vehicle? Eating the wrong foods, will reduce your energy level, affect your health and prevent your mind from serving you to its fullest capacity.
Every greasy lunch you have,
you will suffer a corresponding reduction in your level
of motivation and effectiveness.
Create a Pure Environment
No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit. Given this principle, the
first step to become a happier, more serene person is to manage your thoughts and purify your thinking. One of the best ways to begin this inner work is to improve the quality of your personal environment. Our surroundings shape our moods, our thoughts and our dreams. Take a good, hard look at your environment. Your thoughts are shaped by the people you associate with, by the books you read, by the words you speak and by your daily physical surroundings.
Are you spending your time at work or anywhere with negative people? If so, they will eventually make you negative and cynical. Are you watching violent TV shows and mindless videos at home?
If so, your mind will grow restless and noisy. Take steps to make the environment you work and live in a better one. You will quickly detect improvements in the way you think, feel and act.
Walk in the Nature
You will never go wrong by spending time enjoying nature. Your steps will feel lighter, a deep sense of inner quiet will flood your entire body and your creativity will flourish. Through the window of the eye, the soul regards the world’s beauty...Away from the noise of the city, the values you hold dearest grow clearer and you can contemplate some of life’s larger questions, questions that never seem to get answered in the normal crush of the daily routine.
Help Others
I wept because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet.
It is so easy to magnify our problems and lose sight of the many blessings we all have to be so very grateful for. Giving the gift of your time by volunteering to serve those who have less than you is an excellent way to remind yourself on a regular basis of the abundance that exists in your life. Seeing what others don’t have keeps me awake to all the good things I do have. The only one among you who will be happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.
Listen to Music
Music can lift your mood, put the smile back on your face and add immeasurably to your quality of life. Get serious about listening to music that inspires you. Build a collection of your favorite pieces and play something that fills your heart with joy every single day of the week. Listening to even a few minutes of music every day is a simple yet exceptionally powerful way to manage your moods and remain at your best.
Write a Legacy
Spring has past, summer has gone and the winter is here, and the song that I meant to sing remains unsung. I have spent my days stringing and
unstringing my instrument.
Sadly, that time never came. The time to start building your legacy is today, not ten years from today when you “have more time,” because we know that
time will never arrive. If you think about it, it will help you avoid feeling regret, sadness and disappointment about what could have been when you reach the end of your life.
Find Good Friends
Cultivating great friendships is one of the surest ways to find more happiness and joy in your life.
Those with a wide circle of friends and family live longer,
laugh more and worry less.
There is nothing in the world more valuable than friendship. Those who banish it from their lives remove as it were the sun from the earth, because of all of nature’s gifts; it is the most beautiful and the most pleasing. To build deeper friendships, you must be willing to move out of your comfort zone, break the ice with people you might not know very well and show sincere warmth. If you plant the seeds of friendship, you are bound to receive a rich harvest of great friends.
Be Creative
Every one of us has an almost limitless wellspring of creativity deep within us. And we all need to use this creativity on a daily basis to get the most from life, weather we are lawyers, homemakers, teachers, business executives, poets, or musicians.
Unlocking your creative spirit will fuel your upward path of self-discovery and make every single one of your days far more fulfilling.
Learn to Sit Quiet
All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone. When we come home, at the day’s end, we delve into the evening’s activities against the background sound of the television, ringing phones and humming computers.
Most of our miseries do stem from the fact that we have lost sight of the importance of being silent, for even a short period, every day of our lives. If you have lack of the mental focus to stay with one activity for any length of time, you will never be able to achieve your goals, build your dreams or enjoy life’s process.
Without a disciplined mind, trivial thoughts and worries will nag at you and you will never have the capacity to immerse yourself in more meaningful pursuits. Without deep concentration, your mind will be your master rather than your servant.
It will make you a far better person, Life partner, parent and friend.
Stop Complaining
Stop complaining about having no time for yourself and get up an hour earlier. If you are not as fulfilled or as happy or as prosperous or as peaceful as you know you could be, stop blaming your parents or the economy or your boss and take full responsibility for your circumstances.
This will be the first step to a completely new way of looking at your life and the starting point of a better way to live. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.
Stop complaining and start living.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds’
worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that’s in it.
Increase your Value
In the new economy you now find yourself in, you will be compensated not by how hard you work but by how much value you add to the world around you. The brain surgeon has accumulated far more specialized knowledge and specific know-how than the McDonald’s employee. Money simply becomes a symbol for how much value each person has added to the world.
So to be paid more money in your work, you must add more value to the world.
And the best way to begin adding value to the world is to start becoming a more valuable person. Acquire skills that no one else has. Read books no one else is reading. Think thoughts no one else is thinking. Or, to put it another way, you cannot have all that you want if you remain the person you are. To get more from life, you need to be more in life.
Be the Best Parent
The way you raise your children is the way you raise your future generations.
Although being a parent is a great joy, it is also a privilege that involves tremendous responsibility. We need to develop the skills of excellent parent. We must take time to improve our parenting abilities to go to seminars and reading books. The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.
Your family is busy and there is too much to do in too little time. But those miraculous years of your sons’ and daughters’ childhoods will never come again. And if you do not devote the time and effort to becoming the best parent you know you can be, one day you will deeply regret the lost opportunity.
Be Different
Take the course opposite to custom; you will almost always do well. If you follow the crowd, the place you will most likely end up at is the exit. Think different. Rather than letting public opinion dictate your actions, have the courage to let your heart drive you.
And in taking the road less traveled, you have found success beyond your wildest dreams. Read every day something no one else is reading. Think every day something no one else is thinking. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity.
It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.
Don’t do things because everyone else does them. Do the things that are right for you. Being different for all the right reasons are a wise way to live.
Don’t be Moody
We are not our thoughts. Instead, we are the thinkers of our thoughts. We are the creators of the thoughts that flow through our mind and, given this fact, we can change our thoughts if we choose to do so.
Train your mind to focus only on positive, inspiring and enlightening thoughts. Doing so, you will see the outer circumstances your life change.
You are the creator of the moods you experience, moods that you can change in a single instant. If you choose to do so, you can feel peace in a moment of stress, joy in a time of sadness and energy during a time of fatigue.
Enjoy Simple Things
No one gets to take his possessions with him when he dies. Do things that will leave us happy memories instead of collecting possessions. One of the most tragic things about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living.
We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today. Have the wisdom to savor the simple things. The wonderful memories that they bring will add more value to your life than any of the material toys we spend so much life energy pursuing.
We should rather have roses on our table than diamonds on our neck.
Stop Condemning
We criticize the way someone eats or the manner in which someone speaks. We focus on the minutest details and find fault with the smallest of issues. To live a happier, more peaceful life, begin to see the richness of our society comes from its diversity. What makes relationship, communities and countries great are not the things that we have in common but the differences that make us unique.
Rather than looking for things to criticize in those around you, why not begin to respect the differences? Often, we perceive in others the weaknesses we most need to address within ourselves. Stop blaming and condemning. Accept complete responsibility for the way things are and resolve to work on changing yourself before seeking to change others.
Take your life into your own hands and what happens?
A terrible thing: no one to blame.
Everyday Counts
As you live your days, so you will live your life. It is easy to get caught up in the trap of thinking that this day does not matter much given all the days that lie ahead of you. But a great life is nothing more than a series of great, well- lived days strung together like a beautiful necklace of pearls.
Every day counts and contributes to the quality of the end result. The past is gone; the future is but a figment, so this day is really all you can own. Invest it wisely. Make a decision from the depth of your heart to be a better, more dedicated human being. Live every moment of your days to the fullest.
As you walk down the fairway of life, you must smell the roses,
for you only get to play one around.
Be Humble
The tree that has the most fruit is bends to the ground.
The people who know the most are also the people closest to the ground. In a word, they are humble. The more you are as a person, the less you need to prove yourself to others.
Don’t Finish Every Book
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few books to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.
Be Kind to Yourself
It is easy to spend much of your days beating up on yourself for past mistakes. As long as you don’t keep making the same errors and have the good judgment to let your past serve you, you will be on the right track. We all make mistakes and that they are essential to our growth and progress is liberating. We lose the need to be perfect and adopt a wiser way of viewing our lives. So be kind to yourself and see life for what it really is: a path of self-discovery, personal growth and lifelong learning.
Practice Silence
Staying quiet for even short periods of time builds willpower and self-control because you exert force on your will by not giving in to the impulse to talk. So many people talk far more than they have to. Rather than speaking precisely and communicating only what needs to be said, all too often we go on and on. Discipline involves saying exactly what needs to be said and preserving your precious mental energy by not talking more than you have to. Measured, precise speech is also a sign of clear thought and of a serene mind.
Don’t Pick up the Phone Every Time
The telephone is there for your convenience, not for the convenience of your callers. Soon as we hear the phone ring, we act as if we are firefighters rushing to a five-alarm fire. People interrupt quiet family dinners, dedicated reading times to answer those seemingly urgent phone calls, many of which turn out to be ones that could have been taken later. You no longer need to be interrupted by the ringing phone and can spend your time on life’s more important pursuits.
The habit of picking up the phone every time it rings is a hard one to break.
But once you get good at letting it ring, whether it is reading a good book, having a heart-to-heart conversation with your life partner or playing with your children, you will wonder what the hurry to pick up the phone was all about in the first place.
You Need Recreation
After a tiring day at work, it is so easy to curl up on the couch and spend the next three or four hours watching television. The irony is that, if you are like most people, you actually feel more fatigued after watching too much TV than you felt when you first sat down.
Recreation is tremendously important to a balanced life. Recreation must restore you and bring you back to life. Real recreation will fill you with a renewed sense of optimism and energy. True recreation connects you to the highest and best within you while rekindling your inner fire
Set Higher Goals
To maintain a healthy level of optimism and passion for life, you must keep on setting higher and higher goals. On attaining one goal, whether it is a career goal or a personal one, it is essential that you quickly set the next.
Diamonds are created through steady pressure.
So make certain your goals are worthy of you. Make sure they are the kind of challenges that will force you to reach into your heart and bring out the best within you, helping you grow in the process.
Have a Family Mealtime
Special tradition of a daily family meal brought families closer and gave many happy memories. We live in busy times. We have endless personal commitments, our children have soccer practices and piano lessons, which might make it difficult to have a quiet meal in the early evening hours. The important thing is that you find time every day to have a family meal time with those you love most and consistently work at building a richer, more meaningful family life.
Nurture your Mind
Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than you think. If you are not pursuing your dreams, you are fueling your limitations. Too many people lead small lives. Too many of us die at twenty and are buried at eighty. Remember, nothing can stop a person who refuses to be stopped. Most people don’t really fail, they simply give up trying. Have the bravery to dream big for a change and accept that failure is not an option for you.
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare;
it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
Rewrite your Life Story
One of the most wonderful things about time is the fact that you cannot waste it in advance. The next hour that comes your way will be perfect, unspoiled and ready for you to make the very best of it. No matter what has happened
to you in the past, your future is spotless. If you so choose, tomorrow can be the day that you start getting up earlier, reading more, exercising, eating well and worrying less. It is never too late to become the person you have always wanted to be.
Plant a Tree
To live a fulfilling life, you must do three things:
have a son, write a book and plant a tree.
By doing so, you will have three legacies that will live on
long after you die.
If you have children, you might also wish to plant a tree in honor of each of them. As they grown, you can carve notches on the trunk to mark their different ages. Each tree then becomes a living record of a different life stage. Planting a tree for each child in your family is a wonderful and creative act of love and one that your children will remember for many years to come.
Keep your Hope Young
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. People grow old only by deserting their ideals and by outgrowing the consciousness of youth. Years wrinkle the soul... You are as old as your doubt, your fear, and your despair. The way to keep young is to keep your faith and your hope young.
Decompress Before you Go Home
After a day of stress and pressure at the office, most of us arrive home cranky, tired and dispirited. We gave the best we had to our colleagues and customers and, sadly, we have nothing left for the people we love the most:
our spouses, children and friends. We wearily walk to our favorite easy chair and order family members to leave us alone until we regain our composure. Rather than leaving work, driving home and rushing into your house, spend a few minutes sitting alone in your car while parked in the driveway. Use this time to relax and reflect on what you would like to accomplish during the next few hours with your family.
Remind yourself how much your wife and children need you
and how many fun things you can do if you simply put your mind to it.
Be creative about your personal decompression time and treat it as a chance to renew and recharge so you are the person your family wants you to be when you greet them.
Respect your Instincts
It is easy not to listen to the “still small voice within,” that inner guide that is your personal source of wisdom. It is often difficult to march to your own drum beat and listen to your instincts when the world around you pressures you to conform to its dictates. You must listen to those hunches and feelings that come to you when you most need them.
It seems that with age comes the corresponding ability to trust your own instincts. When you are doing the right things and living the way nature intended you to live, abilities you were not aware you had become engaged and you liberate the fullness of the person you really are. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.
Love your Work
One of the timeless secrets to a long, happy life is to love your work. The golden thread running through the lives of history’s most satisfied people is that they all love what they did for a living. Thomas Edison said:
“I never did a day’s work in my life: it was all fun.”
When you love your job, you discover you will never have to work another day in your life. Your work will be play and the hours will slip away as quickly as they came.
Collect Quotes That Inspire You
The value of a great quote does lie in the fact that it contains a world of wisdom, that may have taken the author many years to arrive at, in a line or two. Collect quotes from great leaders, thinkers, poets and philosophers on subjects such as how to deal with adversity, the meaning of life, the value of self - improvement, the importance of helping others, the power of our thoughts and the need for a strong character.
Serve Others
“There is no higher religion than human service.” Albert Schweitzer
A little fragrance always clings to the hand that gives you roses.
All great leaders, thinkers and humanitarians have abandoned selfish lives for selfless lives and, in doing so, found all the happiness, abundance and satisfaction they desired. They have all understood that all-important truth of humanity: you cannot pursue success; success ensues.
It flows as the unintended but inevitable by-product of a life spent serving people and adding value to the world. Someone was running after the train and accidentally his shoe fell off. Rather than worrying about it, he removed his other shoe and threw it after the first one. Someone asked him why he did this. And the man replied,
“The poor soul who finds the first one will have a pair to wear.”
Be Happy
"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude." Denis Waitley
Most people don’t discover what life is all about until just before they die. We have taller buildings but shorter tempers, more possessions but less happiness, fuller minds but emptier lives. Do not wait until you are on your
deathbed to realize the meaning of life and the precious role you have to play within it. People spend their days striving to get the things that will make them happy rather than having the wisdom to realize that happiness is not a place you reach but a state you create.
Happiness and a life of deep fulfillment come when you commit yourself from the very core of your soul, to spending your highest human talents on a purpose that makes a difference in others’ lives.
"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have." Frederick Koenig
Kindness & Encouragement
No matter how much our world changes one factor stays the same, we all need encouragement.
This chapter of the Book of Kindness is a highly inspired chapter. You will find encouragement, beauty, hope, love and peace reading it. You can use it for prayers to communicate with the Divine.
Just exchange the first words of the sentences.
(Please help me / us to reflect love and kindness to others.)
Ask for the Divine Love to flow to your heart, to bring love and kindness, that you may see that we are one with all things.
Let your judgment go and accept it, that all the earthly inhabitants are one. Increase your awareness of love and kindness in everyone and everything.
Recognize the sacredness of everything you do. Perceive the subtler energies and vibrations that connect you with our fellow creatures.
Open up to Change
See your own light and experience that part of you is pure spirit.
Open your heart and allow love, kindness and light to flow in from the divine source of love. Open up and culture a change in your thinking.
Move forward letting go what is no longer serving your best interest.
Feel safe, knowing that you have a Divine guidance.
Learn new things that will be beneficial to your mental, physical and spiritual
well-being. Trust that He will be next to you illuminating your path as you walk into the unknown. Be grateful for the assistance helping you to trust the
process of life and expect the unexpected.
Be at peace in mind and body. Live in harmony with all creatures on the earth. Look for the angelic presence in your life.
Be transformed into love and kindness.
Have clarity of intent so you can focus your desires.
Honor the beauty of life in all living things.
Accept and tolerate others. Take time to enjoy the pleasures of life. Hold the feeling of pure love in every moment.
See the light of higher wisdom. Allow love flow through you. Learn to reflect love and kindness to others.
Develop a peaceful, quiet mind.
Remember to breath the breath of life consciously and deeply.
Accept the Divine support to create a life of joy and abundance. With kindness create the fruit of life in all forms.
Provide health, right livelihood, financial security, unconditional love and peace of mind. For your kindness you will be rewarded.
Follow your heart. Trust the Divine guidance to light your path. Have positive thoughts concerning your ability to create a life of health, prosperity and fulfillment. Radiate strength and love. Recognize that money is a sacred gift. Feel your life with acts of kindness. See the love in everyone. Be loving in your daily thoughts and deeds.
Become a shining presence for everyone. Master your thinking. Balance your mind, body and spirit. Trust your guidance and recognize truth.
Bless your past and bless all who have participated in creating you as you are today. Be grateful to your body, it is a comfortable home for your mind for wisdom to desire a balanced life. Love yourself, accept who you are, and express your true self without fear of rejection or loss of love.
Accept others for who they are or how they “should” be.
Practice loving kindness in everything you do. Experience emotional calm and inner peace. Be willing to listen and learn from everyone.
Be a source of helpfulness and light to all. Remain on the path to personal freedom. Develop grace, humor and wisdom.
See your true path in life and be courageous enough to take it.
Remember to add the most important ingredient of all, LOVE. Be more generous with your love and understanding.
Let go of the past and forgive, that you may love. Become a great inspiration to others.
Give up distractions, which keep you from developing spiritually. Know, that to serve others is to give and receive blessings. Do not be judgmental to others.
Let go of negative thoughts, which keep you from your highest growth. Walk through life in safety and harmony.
Know that life is easy if you simply allow it to be so.
Releasing the Past
Let go anything, which no longer serves your highest good.
Learn from the past and let go of it, so you may focus your attention on the present. Be mindful of the moment, knowing that in this sacred moment everything is inspired. Become consciously aware of the perfect now. Ask for assistance in releasing all the limitations that impede
your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
See the evidence of your Divine guidance in your life.
Have strength and courage to follow your dreams.
Discover the angelic world of Love, Joy, and Blessings.
Experience life’s simple joys. Know that you are a part of the perfection of nature. Take the time to appreciate the wonders of nature.
Maintain harmony in your thoughts. Be peaceful in the knowledge that all your need will be provided. Extend the gift of freewill to everyone. Experience the pure joy of loving. Hear, see, and speak with a peaceful heart. Know that you are unique and greatly loved.
Know that our Heavenly Father supports you in becoming all that you are capable of being. Feel secure even when you are challenged. Understand that all lessons are opportunities for spiritual growth. Nurture trust within you, so you can learn to be comfortable
with the process of life and its many ebbs and tides.
Learn that you can trust in your Guidance to assist you during your life.
Live life peacefully and with presence of mind.
Recognize that you are capable of greatness. Achieve a quiet mind and a
loving heart. Let go of limiting thoughts and behaviors.
Make decisions that serve your highest good. Allow health to reign supreme
in your body. See that this world is miraculous beyond description. See spiritual luminosity emanating from everyone and everything.
Be healthy in your body and mind so that you may live in harmony with the
Universal Love. Hold the highest thoughts and emotions. Develop strength, tenacity, and endurance. Experience serenity of spirit.
Be tolerant of the views of others. Be open-minded.
Remain in a state of gratitude.
Create a life of health, joy, peace, and abundance.
Make choices based on your best interests and the interests of others.
Respect the rights of others and accept your own right to choose in all things affecting your being.
Recognize that we are fruits of the vine, ripening at our own rate of speed. Choose to lead a peaceful life, filled with love and prosperity.
Know that it is your birthright to have freedom of choice.
Ask your Divine assistance to help you make the best choices. Embrace the qualities of love and kindness.
See that all of us have different paths and it’s not for me to judge others. Show respect for yourself and others. Do not fear and be free! Remain peaceful and serene even when challenged.
Live in harmony with the Earth.
Send light out to the planet and all who needs it.
Be sovereign and self-determined.
Peace of Mind
Cultivate inner peace so you may experience the world around you as a peaceful place. Be centered in peacefulness.
Keep peace as a central focus in your heart and mind, so that even when you are challenged, you remain calm and relaxed.
Bring joy and serenity into your life.
Recognize the abundant help and inspiration available to you. Accept change and evolve into all that you can be.
Breath - in peace for yourself and breath out peace for the planet Earth. Tap into ideas that are beyond your knowledge and experience. Experience a higher vibration of wisdom and understanding. Cultivate faith, courage, and love.
Appreciate life and all its blessings. Do not doubt, share messages of hope. Encourage and inspire others. Learn and evolve through your daily lesson.
Love and be loved unconditionally. Know that you are worthy and deserves love.
Let go of the fear of rejection, which keeps love away.
Open your heart and allow the healing power of love to flow in.
See the kindness in everyone and everything so you may freely love them.
Look for the spark of kindness in each person you meet.
See your own Light and allow it to shine, so you may be a beacon for others.
Be a perfect example of what humanity can be. Let go of all feelings that are contrary to love.
Remain grounded and peaceful at all times.
Always trust your intuition.
Know that you deserve to have love, joy, and harmony in your life. Support yourself in creating Health, Joy, an Abundance.
At Meal Time
Ask every day blessings on your food you eat.
Create an aura of sacredness around the act of food preparation. Provide yourself with all your nutritional need. Try to understand that we
should eat food which is in harmony with the Universal Law.
“Thou shall not kill.”
Eat the healthiest and the most nourishing foods available.
Try to understand why a plant food diet is necessary for our spiritual growth. Focus with love and gratitude upon the Gifts of food that is available.
Be grateful for these gifts of love which have been lovingly provided for your nourishment which is a symbol of abundance.
Respect and give thanks to these foods for their energy and generosity. Know that the food is a gift of life. Be filled with gratitude for the opportunity to merge with your food‘s Trust that it will provide you with
good health and well being. Recognize that everything is an expression of the Divine Love. Express gratitude for all our nourishment, which is constantly
provided by the Divine Love.
A Humble Prayer / One
Who’s voice I hear in the winds? Who’s breathe is life to all living thing.
Hear me oh God I am small and I am weak and I need Your strength
and Your wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and let my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset that You have created.
Make my hands respect the things that You have made and my ear sharp to hear Your words and Your voice.
Let me learn the lessons that You have hidden under every rock and leaf. I seek strength not to be greater than my brother, but to fight
my greatest enemy myself.
Make me always ready to come to You with clean hands and straight eyes so when my life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit can come to You
without shame.
A Humble Prayer / Two
Oneness of Life, Entrusting in your Great Compassion,
May you shed the foolishness in myself, Transforming me into a conduit of Love.
May I be a medicine for the sick and weary, Nursing their afflictions until they are cured;
May I become food and drink, during time of famine, May I protect the helpless and the poor,
May I be a lamp, for those who need your Light,
May I be a bed for those who need rest,
and guide all seekers to the Other Shore.
May all find happiness through my actions,
and let no one suffer because of me.
Whether they love or hate me,
Whether they hurt or wrong me,
May they all realize true entrusting, through Divine Power, and realize the Supreme Divine Love.
May all beings be happy...
May all beings be happy, content and fulfilled.
May all be healed and whole.
May all have whatever they want and need.
May all be protected from harm and free from fear.
May all beings enjoy inner peace and ease.
May all be awakened, liberated and free.
May there be peace on this World and throughout the Entire Universe.
Who am I?
I am your constant companion all the time, I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command.
Half of the things you do, you might as well turn over to me and I will do them - quickly and correctly. I am easily managed – but you must be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few
lessons, I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of great people, and alas, of all failures as well. Those who are great, I have made them great.
Those who are failures, I have made their failures.
I am not a machine though, I work with the precision of a machine, plus the intelligence of a person.
You may run me for profit or run me for ruin - it makes no difference to me. Take me, train me, be firm with me, and make the right choice for me.
I will place the world at your feet.
Be kind and easy on me or you will suffer the consequences. Who am I?
Please Read it Reversed! .tibaH eht ma I
Life Is A Journey
Life is a journey through many terrain
From gardens of pleasure to deserts of pain From an ocean of love to a jungle of hate From mountains of glory to canyons of fate There's a highway for joy and a highway for sorrow A road for today and a road for tomorrow
So choose your path wisely and walk with care
If you follow your heart, you'll find your way there I've been to the garden and planted seeds there I've been to the desert and felt the despair
I've swam in the ocean and drank of it's wine
I climbed up the mountain to touch the sky I went to the canyon and started to cry
I've traveled both highways, Both today and tomorrow I've basked in the joy and wallowed in sorrow
My path has been chosen and I've walked it with care I followed my heart and I'm on my way there
So I'll just keep walking till I find what I'm after To mountains and oceans and gardens of laughter.
Author Unknown
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans...
Life is a Gift
Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on
your face and think: you're alive and still around...
you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has
nothing to eat..
you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone
who's crying to have a companion.
before you complain about life - Think of someone who died early.
And when
whining about the distance you drive, - Think of someone who
walks the same distance with their feet.
you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the
unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.
Because Life is Short... Forgive Quickly, Kiss Slowly, Love Truly,
Laugh Uncontrollably, Never Regret anything that made you Smile. Life may not be the Party we Hoped for, but while we're here, we should Dance...
Love is the Only Thing that Matters
I wonder how could we wake up the World more fully to the only thing that matters, love, and to the only expression that will get us from one world to the next, love.
We need to be reminded over and over and over again until we get that the only reason we are here, is to love.
Every day we need to be ready to be birthed into a completely different life, where love rules above and beyond all else.
We must look to ourselves. Every single one of us is being positioned to be the change we wish to see in the world.
How will we be different? What will we do differently in this new life?
What poisons and toxins, discontent and story will we each transmute that still lurks in the shadows?
How humble are we willing to become to transmute our own disassociation and discord, with love?
We are the regenerators, the guiding forces behind a new reality. Once prepared to take care of our needs, and the basic needs for our families and animals, we must turn our attention to love at a level we have never participated in before.
The Divine Love is the reason we all came to this Planet.
Wherever we are, we are loved and watched over by the Divine. We are grateful to be waking up every day
and knowing that we are part of a loving humanity.
“When you awaken from this dream called your physical life, you will realize
that you have had everything that could be desired within you all the while. The price you are paying to learn this is bigger than you know. When you journey within to where Source resides as you, the
Peace that is there will override all else. This is reality.
You become Peace. Peace becomes you.”
K. Koot Hoomi 1884 66
Peace is the unification of all differences, whereby humanity can safely participate in the natural development of the universe.
Peace is a state of mind whereby thoughts and actions which are initiated into the world bring no harm to others or to the environment.
Peace is a world where all of humanity can grow together for the betterment of the planet.
What Really Matters
Not what you bought, but what you built.
Not what you got, but what you gave.
Not your success, but your significance.
Not what you learned, but what you taught.
Not your competence, but your character.
Not how many people you knew,
but how many will feel a lasting loss when you are gone.
A life lived that matters is not circumstances,
but of choice.
A Thousand Hands
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
A thousand hands will naturally come to your aid
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
You will reach out with a thousand hands to help others.
“The time will come in the near future and we will see many societal changes, economic downfalls and geological disasters, but the Return of the Divine will bring gifts of new hope for all humanity. It will be a time to right the wrongs of the past and set the pattern of a future filled with opportunity for every one to reach their true potential that at the next great turning of the wheel they can claim their birthright to join the immortals.
The Divine will return to Teach Love of Oneself, Love of Each Other and, above all, Love of the Creator. May the Almighty and Everlasting Source shine
Light on each One.” page 20.
The Return of the... / Written by Gillian Dearmond Green
The Law of the Universe
When a Person causes another to suffer or to distrust, he brings suffering upon himself and is not trusted.
When mankind is careless and causes his environment to suffer, he brings like suffering upon himself through his environment.
All is One within the mirror of life, not just concerning man's relationship with man, but his relationship with all of life.
Because of the Universe loving nature,
all within nature reaps what it sows... to help us find our
way back home... to Love.
So remember kindness to any living thing will see kindness returned.
We really will reap what we sow and seeds planted will flower and grow.
Don't Waste Your Energy
Markus Rothkranz
Nothing affects your health, well being, happiness and success more than the energy coming from your mind. It is so powerful, it affects everything everywhere instantaneously. In one study, a man's blood tested fine. Then when he got very emotional, his tests suddenly showed he had diabetes. When he relaxed, the tests were fine again. Sour thoughts make your body sour. Love and inspiration heals and empowers. Watch what kind of energy you are creating in your body and life.
Negative energy makes your body sour and immediately starts making you sick. It has been scientifically proven that negativity kills. Nobel prizes have been awarded on the discovery that you can change your DNA within seconds just by the way you think. No diet or yoga in the world is going to make you better if you are judgmental towards others or jealous. Stop assuming. Stop ANYTHING that's negative. This means stop voting thumbs
down on Youtube or leaving judgemental comments of any kind to anyone. It doesn't matter if you think you are right. (there is no right or wrong anyway, only opinion). It doesn't matter. It all boils down to this- EVERYTHING is energy. If you point out someone's "flaws" or weakness, you are putting energy into it and making it stronger and weakening yourself in the process with your negative energy. Focus instead on strengths and good qualities. Watch what happens when you compliment your enemy- suddenly they aren't your enemy anymore!
Stop focussing on all those conspiracy theories. It doesn't matter if they are true or not. Stop fighting what you think is the enemy (or even just fearing it or dwelling on it)- and start putting all your energy into strengthening the good. Fighting something just makes it stronger. That is why wars escalate and relationships end. You may think you are doing good by fighting bad, but you're just escalating the battle. You can spend lots of energy and resources fighting something, or you can compliment your enemy and end it right now.
Do not waste your time comparing yourself with others or voting thumbs down on anything in life, do not think you are better than anyone, do not feel insecure or jealous because someone else is better looking or has more money or whatever. Stop trying to validate something with negativity and spiteful reasoning. You are only killing yourself. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and feeling like a victim. You catch yourself thinking something negative about someone else, realize you are pouring acid on your life, which is corroding your body and taking years off your life.
If you can't, walk away, distance yourself from ANY source of negativity in your life. If your job, your relationship, your food, your "friends", the internet or anything is negative, LEAVE IT! Don't wait for it to change. It's not your job to change it. Your job is to be positive, otherwise you are no good to them anyway. It doesn't matter if you have the responsibility of children, you can still free yourself from anything holding you back in life.
Energy goes in either one direction or the other. Negative or positive. One kills, the other promotes life. The choice is yours. There is no middle ground. When there is no positive or negative, there is no energy, no movement. Movement is life. You must move. Your legs don't start walking until you THINK of walking. You don't eat junk food until you THINK of doing it. You are in control. This includes your thoughts. Choose wisely. Your life depends on it.
Some Thoughts from
Ancient Writings
“Do deeds of goodness and led a goodly life”
Bring no evil to any man willfully or with malice. Live forever within the Region of Light.
Do deeds of goodness and led a goodly life.
Overcome the wiles of wickedness and avoid the snares of temptation,
live in peace with your neighbors, deal justly and fairly with them. Do not gossip about your neighbors, nor engaged in idle chatter concerning their affairs.
These things are not easy, and as no man or women is perfect, man has bad temper under provocation.
Therefore, speak words that will weigh in the balances against your failings. Do not caused the widow to weep, nor the child to cry without cause.
Deal justly with anybody. Do not wound any man willfully.
Yet no man is perfect and when your burdens have weighed heavily upon you or spoken harshly.
Never oppress a poor man or take from him what is his by virtue. Never oppress the weak or cheat in the substance of metals.
Do not lay with the wife of another man or seduce a child, for these are abominations.
Yet no man or women is perfect and few are commanders of their thoughts.
Do not turn the water of another so that he is deprived of his full measure. Do not stop flowing waters in their course.
Do not keep fodder from cattle, nor allow the pastures to be neglected.
Do not cause any child to know fear without reason, nor beat one in bad temper.
Yet no man or women is perfect and sometimes that which is right in its day becomes wrong in another.
Therefore, speak words that will weigh in the balances against your wrongdoings and balances against your weaknesses.
Do not steel, neither take the possessions of any man by deceit.
Do not divide the household of any man, nor separate him from his wife or children.
Do not quarrel with any man because of ignorance.
Do not turn from your duties or fail in your obligations. Do not hide your errors or bury your failings.
Never behave boisterously in a sacred place, nor have ever defile one. Do not I deal haughtily with those who came to you with a plea.
Do not increase your position by false words or writings. Yet no man or women is perfect.
Do not permit envy to eat your heart, nor malice to corrupt it. Don't be a loud mouth, nor speak words of boastfulness.
Never slandered another or utter words of falsehood.
Your tongue should never escape from the control of your heart.
Never deride the words of another because they passed your understanding, or have stopped your ears to words of enlightenment.
Never hide yourself to observe others, or never disclose the secret designs or doings of others, unless they be of evil intent.
When you have done wrong you have
adjusted the scales that weighed down heavily against you.
Do not hide your weaknesses and failings in dark places, but washed them clean in the sunlight of honest compensation.
You have not succumbed to the lures of lewdness,
nor has your tongue spoken slyly of things which should be kept private.
Do not peep at nakedness or pyre into another's privacy.
Respected the modesty of womankind and the innocent delicacy of childhood.
Yet men are as they are and imperfect, while thoughts stray
willfully and are not easily restrained.
Pray to the Divine One, to protect you and give you wisdom.
Listen to the words of your heart.
Be ever mindful of what is right and what is wrong.
Choose what thought is right and shun which thought is wrong. Listen to those who are wiser than you, help those who are less privileged.
Can man do more?
He who receives kindness should never forget it, but he who performs it should never remember it.
In true giving we will know loving kindness when we wish others to be happy. We will know compassion when we wish them free from suffering.
We will know sympathetic joy whe we wish their happiness to increase.
We will know equanimity when we let go of what we desire.
My Final Words
If there is kindness and goodness in the heart,
there will be beauty in the character.
If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
This is my sincere prayer and desire from my heart
Steve Dudas
“Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion.”
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Kindness, quite simply, is the rent we must pay for the space we occupy on this planet.
Imagine a Different World
Begin the Day with Kindness and Love
Fill the day with Kindness and Love
End the Day with Kindness and Love
Kindness is not only the golden chain in which society is bound together,
but a truly revolutionary idea that really can change the world.
The Book of Kindness
... is Spreading Goodness and Kindness All Over the World
This book offers a powerful, uplifting and revolutionary compilation
of goodness and kindness.
It is not enough to be motivated by an ideal of fairness,
honesty and kindness and to want this ideal to be realized in the world ...
So, what should we do? Quite simply, let others be, and continue to improve ourself.
As long as I live
My heart will express a humble Kindness,
As long as the wind blows
My kindness will gallop freely.
As long as my heart beats,
My spirit will always go
Searching for you
To influence you
To be kind to others.
On these few pages I am encouraging mankind who is the beauty, the pure, and the transparent, the reflection of a beautiful Character.
The mankind like crystals, the kind, the loving, the peaceful human being,
whose religion is loving kindness.
Be so kind and read these few pages which will give you overwhelming encouragement, beauty, hope, love and peace in your daily life.
This is my sincere desire to you from my heart.
Dedicated to Every One Around the World
“Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you -- not because they are nice, but because you are.” Author Unknown
“I would not interfere with any creed of yours or want to appear that I have all the cures. There is so much to know... So many things are true...
The way my feet must go may not be the best for you. So, I give this spark of what is light to me, to guide you through the dark, but not to tell you what to see.” Author Unknown
“Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion.”
The greatest gift we got is not Life, but Love.
Life without love would be just an existence.
The gift of Love enriches everyone beyond imagination.
Love does nurture, heal and make us to be the reflection of the Divine.
What would our existence without love, kindness, healing or Divinity be?
It would simply be an empty circle, nonsensical and dry.
One could not care to live or die.
Love and kindness will makes us to live in joy and happiness.
With Love in our hearts we cannot hate or lie.
To live this way we will have no hate, no anger, no suffering.
Without love life is loneliness and misery,
but with Love we will definitely change the World.
Love alone lifts our Soul and our Spirit to the Divine.
To love truly and living lovingly, we will live the reflection of kindness.
With love and kindness the Earth will be converted to a beautiful place.
What more could one want or ask?
If we all live in Love truly, all of us will experience life beyond imagination.
Love is the greatest Gift to you and to me.
No wonder that Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion.
What is the Purpose of Life?
We are here to learn, we are here to grow, and we are here to help others to grow and learn.
The life of Everyone of us is a service to others; not only by sharing,
healing through compassion, but by living our lives as an example for others.
"This is the true joy in life:
To being used for a purpose recognized by ourself as a mighty one.
To being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making us happy.
Our life belongs to the whole community and as long as we live,
it is our privilege to do for it whatever we can.
We want to be thoroughly used up when we die.
“For the harder we work, the more we live.
I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me.
It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment,
and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible
before handing it on to future generations.”
George Bernard Shaw
What is Love?
You will understand what love truly is when you stop thinking of it as feeling. To love is not to have a feeling for someone but to live in love and do everything with love - speak, walk, eat, breathe, study with love ...
Love arises when we have brought all our organs, cells and faculties into a state of harmony, so that they vibrate in unison with our Creator in light and peace.
So love is a permanent state of consciousness.
Those who have attained this state of consciousness feel their whole being
imbued with divine fluids, and everything they do is a melody.
A Blessing is sincere, heart-felt call for another’s well-being.
It is a Prayer born of Compassion and Love.
It is an Intention traveling from the connection that joins us and is sent out into the Universe.
We give of ourselves and send our energy out for another’s greatest good.
Have True Friends
The Human Race
The Human Race is one that has been around since the dawn of time.
Today, more and more are awakening and remembering who they really are,
where they came from and why they are here.
They are stepping forward to take peaceful action
and to realize their rightful soul purposes.
Let no one ever come to you without departing better and happier.
Be the living expression of kindness: kindness in your face,
kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.
A kind heart is a fountain of gladness,
making everything in its vicinity freshens into smiles.
Have you been Kind Today?
The kindness factor seems to be sadly outmoded in this urban age of muggings and grabbing. Can anything be done to improve the situation?
Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Was anyone kind to you? How did it feel? So make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world.
The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered act of kindness and of love.
Kindness comes in all sorts of shapes and forms, but to be the true value it should be selfless and without conditions, unreserved, but intelligent.
To be compassionate, knowledgeable and kind is to be truly wise. True kindness has to be totally free from any self-concern or self referencing.
Kindness is giving and there is nothing in it for the giver, except the joy of giving itself. There is nothing meek or mild about kindness. Its real power lies in responding to its relentless demand to give and hold nothing back.
“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate.”
Albert Schweizer
Kindness softens the armor of man. It soothes the heart and creates a place of comfort and safety. Acts of kindness can change our state of mind from fear- based anger and aggression to a feeling of acceptance, tranquility and peace.
We humans have the capacity to change the world with acts of love and kindness.
Let’s start by teaching our children the importance of compassion. Youth are the inheritors of this planet and all its potential.
The act of exposing our little ones to higher teachings of loving kindness will give them the correct tolls to construct a more tolerant and peaceful world.
Beyond Tomorrow
When you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice.
We live in an age when we have forgotten what life is all about. We live in a time where human beings have never been less connected. We have lost touch with our humanity. We have lost touch with our purpose. We have lost sight of the things that matter the most.
Who will Cry when you Die?
How many lives will you touch while you have the privilege to walk this planet?
What impact will your life have on the generations that follow you? And what legacy will you leave behind after you have taken your last breath?
The days slip into weeks, the weeks slip into months and the months slip into years. Pretty soon it’s all over and you are left with nothing more than a heart filled with regret over a life half lived.
Find your calling. We are all here for some unique purpose, some noble objective that will allow us to manifest our highest human potential while we, at the same time, add value to the lives around us.
Be the change that you wish to see most in your world. And once you do, your life will change.
The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
Kindness is one of the most important words in the English language. It is enormously resonant and life enhancing. Its power comes from its overwhelming simplicity. Deliberate Kindness can be fierce, -tenacious,- unexpected,-unconditional or positively revolutionary.
Every act of kindness by an individual or by thousands is a powerful tool to make a better world – love embraces kindness. It is unique,-limitless,- unfathomable. The most powerful resource for good.
Kindness is not only the golden chain in which society is bound together, but truly a revolutionary idea that really can change the world.
Making and getting money is not all of a man’s business. To cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life.
Kindness & Peace
To be kind is a state of beauty where there is no longer any mental anguish. It is a grand, a mind boggling concept. Yet, truly, small enough to package in a nutshell, because peace is, as we are, a truth that we can let ourselves experience. Kindness is a gift, a gift readily available for everyone, right here and right now. Kindness is in your heart – your humanness – your love and mercy for yourself and for others.
Desire kindness, peace, love, freedom and human dignity. When kindness will be understood, then there will be no more wars, no more bloodshed, no more hatred, no more crying of mothers and children because of the invaders and enemy’s money hungry, high-tech killing machines overwhelming destructions. There will be no more “Support Our Troops” stickers on cars.
There will be peace – where there is kindness, love, cheerfulness, generosity, and incredible harmony among human beings.
Because we know things that the politicians do not know.
Because we have a heart, which has astonishing principles. Not a heart which is striving for other countries’ wealth or striving for ruler ship dictated by ancient merciless principles.
Our heart has deeply rooted in – love your neighbors and love your enemy – everlasting principles which produced incredible people in the western world and in the far eastern countries. Apply kindness to all aspects of your valuable daily life.
A Humble Message to the World Leaders
1. Wisely, Guide them with Kindness and Improve their Health and Spirituality.
2. Unite them with Universal Love.
3. Respect their Nationality, Heritage, and Faith.
4. Protect Nations with Fair Laws, where Love and Kindness are the Basic the Principles.
5. Let all Nations Rule Internally, but with the Principles of Universal Love.
6. Avoid Petty Laws. Teach them Principles of Respect and Love for One Another.
7. Respect Individual Liberty with Social Duties.
8. Cherish Kindness, Beauty and Love - Seeking Harmony with the Infinite.
9. Encourage Humanity to be Balanced with Nature.
10. Teach them the Beauty of Nature,
to Respect the Nature and All Living Creatures on this Earth.
The Ray of a Soul
(Petőfi Sándor / Excerpt in free translation from Hungarian)
The grape is a tiny fruit,
Yet, it needs a whole summer to ripen.
The Earth, too, is a fruit, a giant fruit,
And if the tiny grape needs one whole summer, How many does this giant fruit need, Until it is ripe? It could take, Thousands, perhaps millions of years, But it will surely ripen one day,
And then people will feast on it, till the end of time.
The grape is ripened by the rays of the sun,
(But) until it is sweet, how many sun rays,
Must breathe upon it the warmth of their lives,
How many hundreds of thousands, millions of rays?... The Earth, too, is ripened by rays, but
These are not rays of the sun, (but) rather the souls of people.
Every generous soul is such a ray, but Only the generous soul, and they are rare, How can one expect, then
The Earth to ripen quickly?
I feel that I, too, am a ray, Helping the Earth to ripen.
The life of a ray is but a day,
I know that buy the time,
Of the great harvest,
I will have been long past my sunset, And traces of my minuscule work, Will be lost in the great undertaking, But the knowledge gives my life strength, And peace in my (hour of) death, That I, too, am a ray.
Kindness is nonviolence towards all living beings.
Love, Kindness and Sunshine
Think of Love and Kindness day and night, because by thinking of it, you are in touch with our Heavenly Father, Who is Purity and Light. This is the key!
How can you purify and strengthen your body? By learning to meditate about Love and Kindness which was manifested in every Creatures.
Everything you eat, drink or breathe leaves some waste within you which can never be completely eliminated.
Only Love, Kindness and Sunlight leaves no wastes.
By working mentally to absorb the subtle particles of Love, Kindness and Sunlight every day, you will begin to regenerate your own mental health and physical body.
Kindness & Joy
Everyone has to be treated with compassionate Universal Love.
To live with kindness means to live without hatred among those who do not like us. To live with kindness means never hating those who do not like us. To live with kindness means to live without disease among those who are unfortunately ill.
To live in joy means never falling sick like those who are sick. To live with kindness means to live among those who are pure in heart and mind while having virtues, kindness and wisdom.
To live with kindness means to be a friend of those who are good, wise, and loving. Although some of us are not so fortunate, we all deserve to live with kindness and joy.
If we will have freedom and joy, there will be kindness, love, cheerfulness, generosity, and incredible harmony among human beings.
A kind man is truthful, virtuous, gentle, self-controlled, peaceful and pure in mind. A kind man calmly considers what is right and what is wrong.
A kind man faces different opinions with truth, nonviolence and peace. Whether it is great or small, they turn all evil into peace. They choose the good and avoid the bad.
Adversely, those who are destroying lives and countries, uttering lies, taking what is not given to them, getting drunk – they are digging up the very roots of their own lives.
Whether you are young or old, please consider to desire freedom, joy, peace, kindness, love and human dignity.
Guard and protect your thoughts, words and deeds.
Kindness & Swearing
Swearing is the most annoying and controversial words in the English language. Its power comes from its overwhelming degrading influence, which degrades us and our fellow human beings.
It scars the brain with a negative focus, therefore shutting down our higher faculties and severely limiting our creativity. Every swear word by an individual or by the thousands is a powerful tool to destroy our society and lower the value of human beings.
Swearing is producing a heartless generation where “F”, “M-F” and “SH” words will be common and ruthless.
Swearing is not only mindless but a terrible influence to our children. Many sensitive children have been bruised, hurt and humiliated by these words.
Hollywood’s film industry, TV screens, rap music and even our daily conversations are filled with these filthy words.
One day at a time, cultivate your words with kindness, politeness and uplifting words, it will bring peace for today and create a better tomorrow.
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Watch your words
“The destruction wrecked by many people everyday with unkind words, snide remarks or all out verbal attacks on our friends and loved ones is just as destructive as any physical punishment. Human beings are highly sensitive to the world around them. Their conscious mind protects them from unkind verbal attack with retaliation and reason but the less focused subconscious mind does not have this ability to decipher, it stores every occurrence within its field of observation, even when it is not noticed consciously.
Verbal abuse is accumulated in the minds subconscious storehouse and can be dispersed and discharged with little harm in modest quantities. However, when we are consistently bombarded by abuse, unkind words, spitefulness, vindictiveness, and callousness this negative energy turns inwards and manifests in a wide range of physical maladies, from migraines to cancer.
One particular woman underwent fourteen major operations for reoccurring cancers and cysts due directly to the physical and verbal abuse she endured from her bullyboy alcoholic husband. The day she finally gave up and left him she regained her health and the growths ceased. It remains a remarkable human oversight that such a powerfully destructive weapon as speech should be used with such disregard for the human suffering it can cause when unleashed without consideration of its effect on our fellow man.”
Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. - Rumi p. 96 - The Miracle Man - By Robert Pellegrino-Estrich / Brasil
“Men are ready to suffer anything from others; when it comes to words, they are untouched”
“People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.”
Giacomo Leo-pardi Kindness & Gratitude
Unlocks the fullness of life, makes things right. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It turns problems into gift failures into success, and mistakes into important events.
Apply kindness and gratitude for your every day life and let it work its magic.
Focus until you can see it clearly. Live today fully, expressing kindness and gratitude for all you have been, all you are now, and all you are becoming. Say “Thank you” for all things – and expect miracles to happen.
Kindness & Generosity
“I will not be hurt if my gift is undervalued.
When I give generously expect nothing in return.”
“From the infinitely changeless vessel of spirit,
I savour the inexhaustible richness of generosity.”
Eduardo Cuadra 1820-1903
The world’s best and oldest questions are what really make us happy? This secret boils down to two things – Giving and Getting. Did you receive something from someone, or did you give something to someone?
We have two hands: One to receive and the other to give.
Take stock of what you have to give to others – whether practical, emotional, constructive or empathetic.
So open your arm, open your heart to share, to give and find joy and happiness in giving.
Those who keep their arms crossed and their heart closed do not get much joy and happiness in their life. True, we get our share of troubles and sadness. We also get a lot of tiny delights – and they are everywhere all around us.
May I remind you to open your arms as wide as possible and receive it as much you can, that you can share it and give it to others, as none needs more to learn about giving who has a hard time to give.
Give to others while expecting nothing- in return invokes your well being, your kindness, and your harmony to others.
If we have wealth, but no friends, we cannot be happy.
If we have friends, even without wealth, we are the rich, the wealthy,
the happy, the healthy,
and the wonderful human being.
The Homeless
I’m just a homeless, dirty, unshaven, old tramp. I do not look good at all.My walking stick helps me to get on the bus.
Soon as I got on among the youth, an old lady offered me her seat.I thanked her with great gratitude and accepted the offer.
My walking stick was from a fine large tree that became my friend,which protected me for years from the storms and rain;the rain that gives life to the trees and weedsand falls on the rich and poor, sick and healthy, good and bad- with an astonishing goodness.
Suddenly the sun came out; it shined and shinedand missed no one or nothing, but kindly shinedand blessed everyone with unselfish generosity.
Oh, I remember that kind man who years agostuck a $20 bill in my pocket and never got a thank you for it.
Or that little girl who gave me a $5 bill because her mother wanted to teach her that ...
“Kindness in giving creates love.”
I have to say that I saw love, kindness, honesty,and compassion on the street. Took me years to be a different old man... influenced by the kindness of others.
Throughout the years one experience touched my heart the most– when a man was robbed near to me...when he had the courage to say in his panic...
“Here is my kind heart and there is my money, take whatever you please, and all of it if you want.”
My heart melted underneath the warmth of loveand goodness of this kind man. And this good man walked away with his heart and his money untouched by the mob.
The Last Words from a Dying Soldier
Written for the 1st War in Iraq / 1992
There on a misty morning.
The sun slowly rises
After a battle in Baghdad there lies her youngest son
Tears in his eyes,
Wounded and dying.
Mother, if I could live my life again
If I could call the world my friend
If I could write my story end
I would call this war in vain
Just to see you once again.
A smile comes to his face,
An easy calm front of him His life flashes
by Amidst his boyish charms,
He feels his mother’s arms
In that painless moment,
He hears her cry...
Son, if I could roll back the years,
If I could see through these tears
If I could face all my fears
I would call this war in vain,
Just to hold you once again.
If I could roll back the years again,
If I could see your face again,
If I could call the world my friend,
Where there is peace and love again
Just to see you mother again.
Please remember me forever
And share my story whenever
Please forget me never...
Your dying son from Baghdad.
Life is infinite, life is every moment. Life is here for thousands of years. It is here to bring smiles to your face. And you are the center of it. You are the beauty – you are the pure – you are the crown of life. You are like crystals, - so clear, so transparent. Sometimes some clouds come, so what? The clouds are passing on!
Life is sacred – so celebrate life every day. Just look around you – the whole world belongs to you!
Don’t look at the wars, the bloodshed, and the politician’s high-tech killing machines overwhelming destructions.
See the beauty of life! You have gone through life – you experienced life, life is incredible! It is structured – it is amazing!
Now, just sit and smile and laugh! Your smile costs nothing, but gives much – it enriches those who receive it – without making poorer those who
give it. It takes just a moment, but the memory of it can last forever.
No one is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor that he can’t be made rich by it. A simple smile creates happiness in the home, creates good will in the business, and is the countersign of friendship. It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged and sunshine to the sad.
It is nature’s best antidote for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, cannot be begged, borrowed or stolen. It is something of no value until it is given away.
In today’s difficult life, people are too tired to give you a smile – so give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has a hard time to give.
Be Kind to a Stranger
Let us be kinder to one another. A meaningful life is made up of a series of daily acts of decency and kindness, which, ironically, add up to something truly great over the course of a lifetime. Every person you pass during the moments that make up your days represents an opportunity to show a little more of the compassion and courtesy that defines your humanity.
If you make even one person smile during your day or brighten the mood of even one stranger, your day has been a worthwhile one.
Maintain your Perspective
A man with a serious illness was taken into a hospital room. Another patient was on a bed next to the window. The two became friends. The one next to the window would look out and spend time delighting his companion with beautiful description of the world outside. Some days he would describe the beauty of the trees. Other days he would replay the things people were doing as they walked past the hospital.
Everyday he was describing how wonderful the life was out of the hospital. The bed ridden companion grew frustrated that he could not observe the wonders his friend described. He started to dislike him and hate him. One night the patient next to the window stopped breathing. His friend rather than pressing the button for help, he chose to let him die. The patient who had given so much happiness and joy by recounting the sites outside the window was taken out from the room. The other man quickly asked the nurse that if
his bed can be placed next to the window. As he looked out the window, he discovered something that makes him shake. The window faced a brick wall. His former roommate described in his imagination of a loving gesture to make the world of his friend a little bit better during the difficult time. He had acted out of selfless love.
To live happier, more fulfilling lives, when we encounter a difficult circumstance, we must keep shifting our perspective and continuously ask ourselves, “Is there a wiser, more enlightened way of looking at this seemingly negative situation?”
We walk this planet for such a short time. In the overall scheme of things, our lives are mere blips on the canvas of eternity. So have the wisdom to
enjoy the journey and savor the process.
Practice Love
The golden thread of a highly successful and meaningful life is self- discipline. Without self-discipline, you cannot set clear goals, manage yourtime effectively, treat people well, persist through the tough times, care for your health or think positive thoughts.
The habit of self-discipline “Tough Love” because getting tough with yourself is actually a loving gesture. By being stricter with yourself, you will begin to live life more deliberately, on your own terms rather than simply reacting to life.
The quality of your life ultimately is shaped by the quality of your choices and decisions, ones that range from the career you choose to pursue to the books you read, the time that you wake up every morning and the thoughts you think during the hours of your days.
Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it.
Keep a Journal
Maintaining a daily journal is one of the best personal growth initiatives you will ever take. Writing down your daily experiences along with the lessons you have drawn from them will make you wiser with each passing day. You will develop self-awareness and make fewer mistakes. Writing in a journal offers you the opportunity one-on-one conversations with yourself. And writing in a journal promotes growth and wisdom by giving you a forum to study, and then leverage, your past for greater success in your future.
Remember, if your life is worth thinking about, it is worth writing about.
Develop Honesty
We live in a world of broken promises. Saying things we don’t really mean becomes a habit when we practice it long enough. The real problem is that when you don’t keep your word, you lose credibility. When you lose credibility, you break the bonds of trust. And breaking the bonds of trust ultimately leads to a string of broken relationships.
Every time you do not tell the truth, you feed the habit of being untruthful. Be a person of your word rather than being “all talk and no action.”
Honor Your Past
Every second you dwell on the past you steal from your future. Every minute you spend focusing on your problems you take away from finding your solutions. Use these life lessons to fuel your future growth. Those who take more chances and do more than others will naturally experience more failures.
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed.
Start your Day Well
The way you begin your day determines the way you will live your day. If you have the wisdom and self-discipline to ensure that during this key period, you think only the purest of thoughts and take only the finest of actions, you will notice that your days will consistently unfold in the most marvelous ways.
So start your day well. You will never be the same.
Learn to Say No Gracefully
It is easy to say yes to every request on your time when the priorities of your life are unclear. The solution is to be clear about your life’s highest objectives and then to learn to say no with grace.
Learning to say no to the non-essentials will give you more time to devote to the things that have the power to truly improve the way you live and help you leave the legacy you know in your hear you are destined to leave.
Take One Day Rest
The real problem lies in the fact that in this age of global anxiety we do not get enough relief from stress. Revitalize yourself and nourish the deepest part of you, plan weekly one day period of rest. In the Bible it is written “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work...” Get back to the simpler pleasures of life, pleasures that you may have given up as your days grew busier. Bringing this simple habit into your weeks will help you reduce stress, connect with your more creative side and feel far happier in every role of your life.
Do Not Worry
Too many people are spending the best years of their lives stuck in a state of constant worry. They worry about their jobs, their bills, their children etc. You must train yourself to leave your troubles behind and do something more productive, such as going for a walk in the nature or reading an inspirational book or having a heart-to- heart conversation with someone you love.
This simple but powerful technique will help you gradually reduce the amount of time you spend worrying and eventually
serve to eliminate this habit forever.
Learn to Relax
When from our better selves we have too long been parted by the hurrying world, sick of its business, of its pleasures tired, how gracious, how benign is solitude. When was the last time you made the time to relax? It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is what are you so busy about? Saying that you don’t have enough time to relax on a regular basis is a lot like saying you are too busy driving to stop for gas – eventually it will catch up with you.
Get up Early
Getting up early is a gift you give to yourself. Few disciplines have the power to transform your life as does the habit of early rising. By rising early will provide you with at least one quiet hour for yourself during the most crucial part of your day: the beginning. If spent wisely, the rest of your day will unfold in a wonderful way.
Life change takes time, effort and patience. But the results you will receive make the initial stress you experience more than worth it.
Troubles as Blessings
We learn the most from our most difficult experiences? Realize that pain is a teacher and failure is the highway to success. Begin to see your troubles as blessings resolve to transform your stumbling blocks into stepping stones and vow to turn your wounds into wisdom.
Laugh More
Daily laughter has been shown to elevate our moods, promote creativity and give us more energy. We don’t laugh because we are happy. We are happy because we laugh.
Reconnect to your playful side and enjoy the wonders of a deep belly laugh.
Take More Risks
Life is nothing more that a game of numbers – the more risks you take, the more rewards you will receive. Fortune is not on the side of the faint-hearted. One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. Stop spending your days searching for security and to start spending your time pursuing opportunity. It’s risky out on a limb. But that’s where all the fruit is.
Live a Life
We all travel different roads to our ultimate destinations. For some of us, the path is rockier than for others. Remember, there are no real failures in life, only results. There are no true tragedies, only lessons. And there really are no problems, only opportunities waiting to be recognized as solutions by the person of wisdom.
Bless your Money
When you send your money out, remember to bless it. Ask it to bless everybody that it touches, and command it to go out and feed the hungry and clothe the naked, and command it to come back to you a million-fold. When you pay for your groceries, silently bless all those who have helped bring this food to you: the farmers who have grown it, the delivery people who have carried it and the store clerks who have stocked it. As that timeless truth says,
“The hand that gives is the hand that gathers.”
Time is Worthy
Time is your most precious commodity and yet most of us live our lives as if we have all the time in the world. The real secret to getting things done is to
know what things need to be left undone. Once you start spending the hours of your days only on those high-leverage activities and priorities that will advance your life’s mission and legacy, everything will change. The person who chases two rabbits catches neither.
There is nothing as useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.
Write Thank-you Notes
Everyone loves getting mail – it’s a fact of human nature. So write thank you notes sometimes - and all the people that you deal with will be glad you did.
Carry a Book with You
So long as you live, keep learning how to live.
When you expose your mind to the thoughts of the greatest people who have walked this planet before you, your game improves, the depth of your thinking expands and you rise to a whole new level of wisdom.
Create a Love Account
There are no great acts. There are only small acts done with great love.
To practice being more loving, create a love account. Each day, make a few deposits in this very special reserve by doing something small to add joy to the life of someone around you. Buying your partner fresh cut flowers for no reason at all, sending your best friend a copy of your favorite book or taking the time to tell your children in no uncertain terms how you feel about them - are all good places to start.
Those tiny, daily deposits into the love account will give you far more happiness than any amount of money in your bank account.
Without the rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar. The means to gain happiness is to throw out for oneself like a spider in all directions an adhesive web of love, and to catch in all that comes.
Learn to Listen
We have two ears and one mouth for a reason: to listen twice as much as we speak. And having the courtesy to be a better listener has another advantage: since you are not doing all the talking, you are doing all the learning, gaining access to information you would have missed had you been engaged in the usual monologue.
Resist the temptation to interrupt. Catch yourself just before you do so and pay more attention to the content of what the other person is saying to you. It will bring you much closer to the people you interact with every day of your life.
Develop Habits
The mark of a strong character lies not in doing what is fun to do or what is easy to do. The sign of deep moral authority appears in the individual who consistently does what he ought to be doing rather than what he feels like doing. A person of true character spends his days doing that which is the right thing to do.
Rather than watching television for three hours after an exhausting day at work, he has the courage to get up off the couch and read to his children. Instead of sleeping in on those cold wintry mornings, this individual exercises his natural reserves of self-discipline and gets out of bed for a run. And since action is a habit, the more positive actions you take, the more you will feel like taking.
The smallest of actions is always better than the boldest of intentions.
Have Children as Gifts
It is easy to promise yourself you will spend more time with your children “when things slow down at work” or “when I get that big promotion: or “next year when I get a little more time.” But if you don’t act on life, life has a habit of acting on you.
The weeks slip into months, the months slip into years and before you know it, that little child is now an adult with a family of her own.
The greatest gift you can give to your children is the gift of your time. And one of the greatest gifts you will ever give yourself is that of enjoying your children and seeing them for what they truly are: the small miracles of life...
...the loving, the kind, the courteous, the polite, the joyful, the sober – the way you raised them.
Master your Time
Time is life’s great leveler. We all have the same allotment of twenty-four hours in a day. Because we don’t know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood? How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty and yet it all seems limitless.
Commit yourself to managing your time more effectively. Develop a keen sense of awareness about how important your time really is.
Do not Get Angry
Anyone can become angry – that’s easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not easy.
With all the stress and pressure in our lives, it is easy to lose our patience at the slightest irritation. Tough times call for patient people and they are always patient and calm when the pressure is on.
Keeping your patience in a moment of crisis can save you years of pain and anguish. Hurtful words unleashed in a single minute of anger have led to many a broken friendship. Words are like arrows: once released, they are impossible to retrieve. So choose yours with care. An excellent way to control your temper is simply to count for 100 before you respond to someone who has irritated you.
Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and help them become what they are capable of being. These are wise words to live by.
Get Good at Asking
He who asks may be a fool for five minutes. He who doesn’t is a fool for a lifetime.
The more you ask, the more you get, but it takes practice to get good at it. Success is a numbers game. Every arrow that hits the bull’s eye is the result of one hundred misses. Remember, the person who asks for what he wants at least has a chance of getting what he wants. The person who does not ask has no chance.
If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you often get it.
Enjoy your Work
The job today is not just to make money, it’s to make meaning. One of the best ways to find the higher meaning in the work you do is to use the technique of creative questioning to become aware of the impact your work has on the world around you.
If you are a teacher, stop focusing on all the tremendous changes in your profession, and remember that every day you enter that classroom, you have the privilege to shape a young mind. There are children and families that count on you.
Few things energize the human spirit more than the desire to make a difference in the lives of others.
The simple shift of mind can bring a new sense of enjoyment into your life.
Develop your Talents
The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live.
The sad thing is that most people have lost sight of the human gifts that lie within them and have resigned themselves to spending the best years of their lives watching television in a subdivision. Humankind abused its limitless powers. Too many people spend more time focusing on their weaknesses rather than developing their strengths.
Perhaps you have just not taken the time to discover what your personal gifts are and then honed them to the level where you are considered brilliant. Are you using the best within you to its fullest capacity? If not, you are not only doing yourself a disservice, you are doing the world, and all those within it who could benefit from your unique talents, a disservice.
Connect with Nature
Spend time alone in natural surroundings which will connect you to a larger universe and restores your spirit in this age.
Communing with nature is also an excellent way to unlock your creativity and generate new ideas. Newton formulated the laws of gravity while relaxing under an apple tree. And while you spend time enjoying nature, observe your surroundings with deep concentration.
Study the complexity of a flower or the way the current moves in a sparkling stream. Take your shoes off and feel the grass under your feet. Give silent thanks that you have the privilege of enjoying these special gifts of nature. Many people do not.
Do not Read the Daily News
In our society, more people will watch the criminal trial of a celebrity rather than the biography of great human beings. A newspaper with a headline revealing the latest tragedy will sell more copies than one announcing the latest scientific breakthrough. It’s easy to get addicted to reading and watching negative news. Do not read negative story in the newspaper or watch even one negative report on television for the next week.
You will notice two things. First, you will not really miss out on much information. You will still hear about it in your office and through your encounters at home. Second, you will feel much more peaceful and serene. As well, you will find that the seven-day news fast offers yet another benefit: more time to do the things that will truly improve the quality of your life.
Set Goals
Something magical happens when you write down your goals on paper. It restores a sense of focus in your world, a world that has become complicated by too many options. In this age we live in, there are simply far too many things to do at any given time.
A clear plan relieves you of the torment of choice.
Goals and plans take the worry out of living.
If you set goals, the actions you take will be based on your life’s mission rather than on your day-to-day moods. Selecting goals that engage and motivate you is one of the best ways to boost the level of your personal commitment of life and increase the energy you bring to your days. So set big goals. You are only as rich, whether materially or spiritually, as your dreams. Don’t blunt. Aim out of the ballpark. Aim for the company of immortals.
Develop Good Habits
New habits are much like a new pair of shoes: for the first few days, they will feel uncomfortable. But if you break them in for about three weeks, they will fit like a second skin. It is difficult adopting new habits and overcoming the gravitational forces that prevent us from moving to higher levels of living.
Powerful indeed is the empire of habits.
Practice Forgiveness
It is almost as if you carry that person around on your back with you. He drains you of your energy, enthusiasm and peace of mind. But the moment you forgive him, you get him off your back and you can move on with the rest of your life.
Forgiveness is a great act of spirit and personal courage. It is one of the best ways to elevate the quality of your life.
Drink Fresh Juices
The foods you consume affect your moods as well as the clarity of your thinking. So why would you put anything less than the best foods into your body, which is an even more valuable performance vehicle? Eating the wrong foods, will reduce your energy level, affect your health and prevent your mind from serving you to its fullest capacity.
Every greasy lunch you have,
you will suffer a corresponding reduction in your level
of motivation and effectiveness.
Create a Pure Environment
No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit. Given this principle, the
first step to become a happier, more serene person is to manage your thoughts and purify your thinking. One of the best ways to begin this inner work is to improve the quality of your personal environment. Our surroundings shape our moods, our thoughts and our dreams. Take a good, hard look at your environment. Your thoughts are shaped by the people you associate with, by the books you read, by the words you speak and by your daily physical surroundings.
Are you spending your time at work or anywhere with negative people? If so, they will eventually make you negative and cynical. Are you watching violent TV shows and mindless videos at home?
If so, your mind will grow restless and noisy. Take steps to make the environment you work and live in a better one. You will quickly detect improvements in the way you think, feel and act.
Walk in the Nature
You will never go wrong by spending time enjoying nature. Your steps will feel lighter, a deep sense of inner quiet will flood your entire body and your creativity will flourish. Through the window of the eye, the soul regards the world’s beauty...Away from the noise of the city, the values you hold dearest grow clearer and you can contemplate some of life’s larger questions, questions that never seem to get answered in the normal crush of the daily routine.
Help Others
I wept because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet.
It is so easy to magnify our problems and lose sight of the many blessings we all have to be so very grateful for. Giving the gift of your time by volunteering to serve those who have less than you is an excellent way to remind yourself on a regular basis of the abundance that exists in your life. Seeing what others don’t have keeps me awake to all the good things I do have. The only one among you who will be happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.
Listen to Music
Music can lift your mood, put the smile back on your face and add immeasurably to your quality of life. Get serious about listening to music that inspires you. Build a collection of your favorite pieces and play something that fills your heart with joy every single day of the week. Listening to even a few minutes of music every day is a simple yet exceptionally powerful way to manage your moods and remain at your best.
Write a Legacy
Spring has past, summer has gone and the winter is here, and the song that I meant to sing remains unsung. I have spent my days stringing and
unstringing my instrument.
Sadly, that time never came. The time to start building your legacy is today, not ten years from today when you “have more time,” because we know that
time will never arrive. If you think about it, it will help you avoid feeling regret, sadness and disappointment about what could have been when you reach the end of your life.
Find Good Friends
Cultivating great friendships is one of the surest ways to find more happiness and joy in your life.
Those with a wide circle of friends and family live longer,
laugh more and worry less.
There is nothing in the world more valuable than friendship. Those who banish it from their lives remove as it were the sun from the earth, because of all of nature’s gifts; it is the most beautiful and the most pleasing. To build deeper friendships, you must be willing to move out of your comfort zone, break the ice with people you might not know very well and show sincere warmth. If you plant the seeds of friendship, you are bound to receive a rich harvest of great friends.
Be Creative
Every one of us has an almost limitless wellspring of creativity deep within us. And we all need to use this creativity on a daily basis to get the most from life, weather we are lawyers, homemakers, teachers, business executives, poets, or musicians.
Unlocking your creative spirit will fuel your upward path of self-discovery and make every single one of your days far more fulfilling.
Learn to Sit Quiet
All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone. When we come home, at the day’s end, we delve into the evening’s activities against the background sound of the television, ringing phones and humming computers.
Most of our miseries do stem from the fact that we have lost sight of the importance of being silent, for even a short period, every day of our lives. If you have lack of the mental focus to stay with one activity for any length of time, you will never be able to achieve your goals, build your dreams or enjoy life’s process.
Without a disciplined mind, trivial thoughts and worries will nag at you and you will never have the capacity to immerse yourself in more meaningful pursuits. Without deep concentration, your mind will be your master rather than your servant.
It will make you a far better person, Life partner, parent and friend.
Stop Complaining
Stop complaining about having no time for yourself and get up an hour earlier. If you are not as fulfilled or as happy or as prosperous or as peaceful as you know you could be, stop blaming your parents or the economy or your boss and take full responsibility for your circumstances.
This will be the first step to a completely new way of looking at your life and the starting point of a better way to live. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.
Stop complaining and start living.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds’
worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that’s in it.
Increase your Value
In the new economy you now find yourself in, you will be compensated not by how hard you work but by how much value you add to the world around you. The brain surgeon has accumulated far more specialized knowledge and specific know-how than the McDonald’s employee. Money simply becomes a symbol for how much value each person has added to the world.
So to be paid more money in your work, you must add more value to the world.
And the best way to begin adding value to the world is to start becoming a more valuable person. Acquire skills that no one else has. Read books no one else is reading. Think thoughts no one else is thinking. Or, to put it another way, you cannot have all that you want if you remain the person you are. To get more from life, you need to be more in life.
Be the Best Parent
The way you raise your children is the way you raise your future generations.
Although being a parent is a great joy, it is also a privilege that involves tremendous responsibility. We need to develop the skills of excellent parent. We must take time to improve our parenting abilities to go to seminars and reading books. The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.
Your family is busy and there is too much to do in too little time. But those miraculous years of your sons’ and daughters’ childhoods will never come again. And if you do not devote the time and effort to becoming the best parent you know you can be, one day you will deeply regret the lost opportunity.
Be Different
Take the course opposite to custom; you will almost always do well. If you follow the crowd, the place you will most likely end up at is the exit. Think different. Rather than letting public opinion dictate your actions, have the courage to let your heart drive you.
And in taking the road less traveled, you have found success beyond your wildest dreams. Read every day something no one else is reading. Think every day something no one else is thinking. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity.
It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.
Don’t do things because everyone else does them. Do the things that are right for you. Being different for all the right reasons are a wise way to live.
Don’t be Moody
We are not our thoughts. Instead, we are the thinkers of our thoughts. We are the creators of the thoughts that flow through our mind and, given this fact, we can change our thoughts if we choose to do so.
Train your mind to focus only on positive, inspiring and enlightening thoughts. Doing so, you will see the outer circumstances your life change.
You are the creator of the moods you experience, moods that you can change in a single instant. If you choose to do so, you can feel peace in a moment of stress, joy in a time of sadness and energy during a time of fatigue.
Enjoy Simple Things
No one gets to take his possessions with him when he dies. Do things that will leave us happy memories instead of collecting possessions. One of the most tragic things about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living.
We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today. Have the wisdom to savor the simple things. The wonderful memories that they bring will add more value to your life than any of the material toys we spend so much life energy pursuing.
We should rather have roses on our table than diamonds on our neck.
Stop Condemning
We criticize the way someone eats or the manner in which someone speaks. We focus on the minutest details and find fault with the smallest of issues. To live a happier, more peaceful life, begin to see the richness of our society comes from its diversity. What makes relationship, communities and countries great are not the things that we have in common but the differences that make us unique.
Rather than looking for things to criticize in those around you, why not begin to respect the differences? Often, we perceive in others the weaknesses we most need to address within ourselves. Stop blaming and condemning. Accept complete responsibility for the way things are and resolve to work on changing yourself before seeking to change others.
Take your life into your own hands and what happens?
A terrible thing: no one to blame.
Everyday Counts
As you live your days, so you will live your life. It is easy to get caught up in the trap of thinking that this day does not matter much given all the days that lie ahead of you. But a great life is nothing more than a series of great, well- lived days strung together like a beautiful necklace of pearls.
Every day counts and contributes to the quality of the end result. The past is gone; the future is but a figment, so this day is really all you can own. Invest it wisely. Make a decision from the depth of your heart to be a better, more dedicated human being. Live every moment of your days to the fullest.
As you walk down the fairway of life, you must smell the roses,
for you only get to play one around.
Be Humble
The tree that has the most fruit is bends to the ground.
The people who know the most are also the people closest to the ground. In a word, they are humble. The more you are as a person, the less you need to prove yourself to others.
Don’t Finish Every Book
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few books to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.
Be Kind to Yourself
It is easy to spend much of your days beating up on yourself for past mistakes. As long as you don’t keep making the same errors and have the good judgment to let your past serve you, you will be on the right track. We all make mistakes and that they are essential to our growth and progress is liberating. We lose the need to be perfect and adopt a wiser way of viewing our lives. So be kind to yourself and see life for what it really is: a path of self-discovery, personal growth and lifelong learning.
Practice Silence
Staying quiet for even short periods of time builds willpower and self-control because you exert force on your will by not giving in to the impulse to talk. So many people talk far more than they have to. Rather than speaking precisely and communicating only what needs to be said, all too often we go on and on. Discipline involves saying exactly what needs to be said and preserving your precious mental energy by not talking more than you have to. Measured, precise speech is also a sign of clear thought and of a serene mind.
Don’t Pick up the Phone Every Time
The telephone is there for your convenience, not for the convenience of your callers. Soon as we hear the phone ring, we act as if we are firefighters rushing to a five-alarm fire. People interrupt quiet family dinners, dedicated reading times to answer those seemingly urgent phone calls, many of which turn out to be ones that could have been taken later. You no longer need to be interrupted by the ringing phone and can spend your time on life’s more important pursuits.
The habit of picking up the phone every time it rings is a hard one to break.
But once you get good at letting it ring, whether it is reading a good book, having a heart-to-heart conversation with your life partner or playing with your children, you will wonder what the hurry to pick up the phone was all about in the first place.
You Need Recreation
After a tiring day at work, it is so easy to curl up on the couch and spend the next three or four hours watching television. The irony is that, if you are like most people, you actually feel more fatigued after watching too much TV than you felt when you first sat down.
Recreation is tremendously important to a balanced life. Recreation must restore you and bring you back to life. Real recreation will fill you with a renewed sense of optimism and energy. True recreation connects you to the highest and best within you while rekindling your inner fire
Set Higher Goals
To maintain a healthy level of optimism and passion for life, you must keep on setting higher and higher goals. On attaining one goal, whether it is a career goal or a personal one, it is essential that you quickly set the next.
Diamonds are created through steady pressure.
So make certain your goals are worthy of you. Make sure they are the kind of challenges that will force you to reach into your heart and bring out the best within you, helping you grow in the process.
Have a Family Mealtime
Special tradition of a daily family meal brought families closer and gave many happy memories. We live in busy times. We have endless personal commitments, our children have soccer practices and piano lessons, which might make it difficult to have a quiet meal in the early evening hours. The important thing is that you find time every day to have a family meal time with those you love most and consistently work at building a richer, more meaningful family life.
Nurture your Mind
Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than you think. If you are not pursuing your dreams, you are fueling your limitations. Too many people lead small lives. Too many of us die at twenty and are buried at eighty. Remember, nothing can stop a person who refuses to be stopped. Most people don’t really fail, they simply give up trying. Have the bravery to dream big for a change and accept that failure is not an option for you.
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare;
it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
Rewrite your Life Story
One of the most wonderful things about time is the fact that you cannot waste it in advance. The next hour that comes your way will be perfect, unspoiled and ready for you to make the very best of it. No matter what has happened
to you in the past, your future is spotless. If you so choose, tomorrow can be the day that you start getting up earlier, reading more, exercising, eating well and worrying less. It is never too late to become the person you have always wanted to be.
Plant a Tree
To live a fulfilling life, you must do three things:
have a son, write a book and plant a tree.
By doing so, you will have three legacies that will live on
long after you die.
If you have children, you might also wish to plant a tree in honor of each of them. As they grown, you can carve notches on the trunk to mark their different ages. Each tree then becomes a living record of a different life stage. Planting a tree for each child in your family is a wonderful and creative act of love and one that your children will remember for many years to come.
Keep your Hope Young
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. People grow old only by deserting their ideals and by outgrowing the consciousness of youth. Years wrinkle the soul... You are as old as your doubt, your fear, and your despair. The way to keep young is to keep your faith and your hope young.
Decompress Before you Go Home
After a day of stress and pressure at the office, most of us arrive home cranky, tired and dispirited. We gave the best we had to our colleagues and customers and, sadly, we have nothing left for the people we love the most:
our spouses, children and friends. We wearily walk to our favorite easy chair and order family members to leave us alone until we regain our composure. Rather than leaving work, driving home and rushing into your house, spend a few minutes sitting alone in your car while parked in the driveway. Use this time to relax and reflect on what you would like to accomplish during the next few hours with your family.
Remind yourself how much your wife and children need you
and how many fun things you can do if you simply put your mind to it.
Be creative about your personal decompression time and treat it as a chance to renew and recharge so you are the person your family wants you to be when you greet them.
Respect your Instincts
It is easy not to listen to the “still small voice within,” that inner guide that is your personal source of wisdom. It is often difficult to march to your own drum beat and listen to your instincts when the world around you pressures you to conform to its dictates. You must listen to those hunches and feelings that come to you when you most need them.
It seems that with age comes the corresponding ability to trust your own instincts. When you are doing the right things and living the way nature intended you to live, abilities you were not aware you had become engaged and you liberate the fullness of the person you really are. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.
Love your Work
One of the timeless secrets to a long, happy life is to love your work. The golden thread running through the lives of history’s most satisfied people is that they all love what they did for a living. Thomas Edison said:
“I never did a day’s work in my life: it was all fun.”
When you love your job, you discover you will never have to work another day in your life. Your work will be play and the hours will slip away as quickly as they came.
Collect Quotes That Inspire You
The value of a great quote does lie in the fact that it contains a world of wisdom, that may have taken the author many years to arrive at, in a line or two. Collect quotes from great leaders, thinkers, poets and philosophers on subjects such as how to deal with adversity, the meaning of life, the value of self - improvement, the importance of helping others, the power of our thoughts and the need for a strong character.
Serve Others
“There is no higher religion than human service.” Albert Schweitzer
A little fragrance always clings to the hand that gives you roses.
All great leaders, thinkers and humanitarians have abandoned selfish lives for selfless lives and, in doing so, found all the happiness, abundance and satisfaction they desired. They have all understood that all-important truth of humanity: you cannot pursue success; success ensues.
It flows as the unintended but inevitable by-product of a life spent serving people and adding value to the world. Someone was running after the train and accidentally his shoe fell off. Rather than worrying about it, he removed his other shoe and threw it after the first one. Someone asked him why he did this. And the man replied,
“The poor soul who finds the first one will have a pair to wear.”
Be Happy
"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude." Denis Waitley
Most people don’t discover what life is all about until just before they die. We have taller buildings but shorter tempers, more possessions but less happiness, fuller minds but emptier lives. Do not wait until you are on your
deathbed to realize the meaning of life and the precious role you have to play within it. People spend their days striving to get the things that will make them happy rather than having the wisdom to realize that happiness is not a place you reach but a state you create.
Happiness and a life of deep fulfillment come when you commit yourself from the very core of your soul, to spending your highest human talents on a purpose that makes a difference in others’ lives.
"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have." Frederick Koenig
Kindness & Encouragement
No matter how much our world changes one factor stays the same, we all need encouragement.
This chapter of the Book of Kindness is a highly inspired chapter. You will find encouragement, beauty, hope, love and peace reading it. You can use it for prayers to communicate with the Divine.
Just exchange the first words of the sentences.
(Please help me / us to reflect love and kindness to others.)
Ask for the Divine Love to flow to your heart, to bring love and kindness, that you may see that we are one with all things.
Let your judgment go and accept it, that all the earthly inhabitants are one. Increase your awareness of love and kindness in everyone and everything.
Recognize the sacredness of everything you do. Perceive the subtler energies and vibrations that connect you with our fellow creatures.
Open up to Change
See your own light and experience that part of you is pure spirit.
Open your heart and allow love, kindness and light to flow in from the divine source of love. Open up and culture a change in your thinking.
Move forward letting go what is no longer serving your best interest.
Feel safe, knowing that you have a Divine guidance.
Learn new things that will be beneficial to your mental, physical and spiritual
well-being. Trust that He will be next to you illuminating your path as you walk into the unknown. Be grateful for the assistance helping you to trust the
process of life and expect the unexpected.
Be at peace in mind and body. Live in harmony with all creatures on the earth. Look for the angelic presence in your life.
Be transformed into love and kindness.
Have clarity of intent so you can focus your desires.
Honor the beauty of life in all living things.
Accept and tolerate others. Take time to enjoy the pleasures of life. Hold the feeling of pure love in every moment.
See the light of higher wisdom. Allow love flow through you. Learn to reflect love and kindness to others.
Develop a peaceful, quiet mind.
Remember to breath the breath of life consciously and deeply.
Accept the Divine support to create a life of joy and abundance. With kindness create the fruit of life in all forms.
Provide health, right livelihood, financial security, unconditional love and peace of mind. For your kindness you will be rewarded.
Follow your heart. Trust the Divine guidance to light your path. Have positive thoughts concerning your ability to create a life of health, prosperity and fulfillment. Radiate strength and love. Recognize that money is a sacred gift. Feel your life with acts of kindness. See the love in everyone. Be loving in your daily thoughts and deeds.
Become a shining presence for everyone. Master your thinking. Balance your mind, body and spirit. Trust your guidance and recognize truth.
Bless your past and bless all who have participated in creating you as you are today. Be grateful to your body, it is a comfortable home for your mind for wisdom to desire a balanced life. Love yourself, accept who you are, and express your true self without fear of rejection or loss of love.
Accept others for who they are or how they “should” be.
Practice loving kindness in everything you do. Experience emotional calm and inner peace. Be willing to listen and learn from everyone.
Be a source of helpfulness and light to all. Remain on the path to personal freedom. Develop grace, humor and wisdom.
See your true path in life and be courageous enough to take it.
Remember to add the most important ingredient of all, LOVE. Be more generous with your love and understanding.
Let go of the past and forgive, that you may love. Become a great inspiration to others.
Give up distractions, which keep you from developing spiritually. Know, that to serve others is to give and receive blessings. Do not be judgmental to others.
Let go of negative thoughts, which keep you from your highest growth. Walk through life in safety and harmony.
Know that life is easy if you simply allow it to be so.
Releasing the Past
Let go anything, which no longer serves your highest good.
Learn from the past and let go of it, so you may focus your attention on the present. Be mindful of the moment, knowing that in this sacred moment everything is inspired. Become consciously aware of the perfect now. Ask for assistance in releasing all the limitations that impede
your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
See the evidence of your Divine guidance in your life.
Have strength and courage to follow your dreams.
Discover the angelic world of Love, Joy, and Blessings.
Experience life’s simple joys. Know that you are a part of the perfection of nature. Take the time to appreciate the wonders of nature.
Maintain harmony in your thoughts. Be peaceful in the knowledge that all your need will be provided. Extend the gift of freewill to everyone. Experience the pure joy of loving. Hear, see, and speak with a peaceful heart. Know that you are unique and greatly loved.
Know that our Heavenly Father supports you in becoming all that you are capable of being. Feel secure even when you are challenged. Understand that all lessons are opportunities for spiritual growth. Nurture trust within you, so you can learn to be comfortable
with the process of life and its many ebbs and tides.
Learn that you can trust in your Guidance to assist you during your life.
Live life peacefully and with presence of mind.
Recognize that you are capable of greatness. Achieve a quiet mind and a
loving heart. Let go of limiting thoughts and behaviors.
Make decisions that serve your highest good. Allow health to reign supreme
in your body. See that this world is miraculous beyond description. See spiritual luminosity emanating from everyone and everything.
Be healthy in your body and mind so that you may live in harmony with the
Universal Love. Hold the highest thoughts and emotions. Develop strength, tenacity, and endurance. Experience serenity of spirit.
Be tolerant of the views of others. Be open-minded.
Remain in a state of gratitude.
Create a life of health, joy, peace, and abundance.
Make choices based on your best interests and the interests of others.
Respect the rights of others and accept your own right to choose in all things affecting your being.
Recognize that we are fruits of the vine, ripening at our own rate of speed. Choose to lead a peaceful life, filled with love and prosperity.
Know that it is your birthright to have freedom of choice.
Ask your Divine assistance to help you make the best choices. Embrace the qualities of love and kindness.
See that all of us have different paths and it’s not for me to judge others. Show respect for yourself and others. Do not fear and be free! Remain peaceful and serene even when challenged.
Live in harmony with the Earth.
Send light out to the planet and all who needs it.
Be sovereign and self-determined.
Peace of Mind
Cultivate inner peace so you may experience the world around you as a peaceful place. Be centered in peacefulness.
Keep peace as a central focus in your heart and mind, so that even when you are challenged, you remain calm and relaxed.
Bring joy and serenity into your life.
Recognize the abundant help and inspiration available to you. Accept change and evolve into all that you can be.
Breath - in peace for yourself and breath out peace for the planet Earth. Tap into ideas that are beyond your knowledge and experience. Experience a higher vibration of wisdom and understanding. Cultivate faith, courage, and love.
Appreciate life and all its blessings. Do not doubt, share messages of hope. Encourage and inspire others. Learn and evolve through your daily lesson.
Love and be loved unconditionally. Know that you are worthy and deserves love.
Let go of the fear of rejection, which keeps love away.
Open your heart and allow the healing power of love to flow in.
See the kindness in everyone and everything so you may freely love them.
Look for the spark of kindness in each person you meet.
See your own Light and allow it to shine, so you may be a beacon for others.
Be a perfect example of what humanity can be. Let go of all feelings that are contrary to love.
Remain grounded and peaceful at all times.
Always trust your intuition.
Know that you deserve to have love, joy, and harmony in your life. Support yourself in creating Health, Joy, an Abundance.
At Meal Time
Ask every day blessings on your food you eat.
Create an aura of sacredness around the act of food preparation. Provide yourself with all your nutritional need. Try to understand that we
should eat food which is in harmony with the Universal Law.
“Thou shall not kill.”
Eat the healthiest and the most nourishing foods available.
Try to understand why a plant food diet is necessary for our spiritual growth. Focus with love and gratitude upon the Gifts of food that is available.
Be grateful for these gifts of love which have been lovingly provided for your nourishment which is a symbol of abundance.
Respect and give thanks to these foods for their energy and generosity. Know that the food is a gift of life. Be filled with gratitude for the opportunity to merge with your food‘s Trust that it will provide you with
good health and well being. Recognize that everything is an expression of the Divine Love. Express gratitude for all our nourishment, which is constantly
provided by the Divine Love.
A Humble Prayer / One
Who’s voice I hear in the winds? Who’s breathe is life to all living thing.
Hear me oh God I am small and I am weak and I need Your strength
and Your wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and let my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset that You have created.
Make my hands respect the things that You have made and my ear sharp to hear Your words and Your voice.
Let me learn the lessons that You have hidden under every rock and leaf. I seek strength not to be greater than my brother, but to fight
my greatest enemy myself.
Make me always ready to come to You with clean hands and straight eyes so when my life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit can come to You
without shame.
A Humble Prayer / Two
Oneness of Life, Entrusting in your Great Compassion,
May you shed the foolishness in myself, Transforming me into a conduit of Love.
May I be a medicine for the sick and weary, Nursing their afflictions until they are cured;
May I become food and drink, during time of famine, May I protect the helpless and the poor,
May I be a lamp, for those who need your Light,
May I be a bed for those who need rest,
and guide all seekers to the Other Shore.
May all find happiness through my actions,
and let no one suffer because of me.
Whether they love or hate me,
Whether they hurt or wrong me,
May they all realize true entrusting, through Divine Power, and realize the Supreme Divine Love.
May all beings be happy...
May all beings be happy, content and fulfilled.
May all be healed and whole.
May all have whatever they want and need.
May all be protected from harm and free from fear.
May all beings enjoy inner peace and ease.
May all be awakened, liberated and free.
May there be peace on this World and throughout the Entire Universe.
Who am I?
I am your constant companion all the time, I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command.
Half of the things you do, you might as well turn over to me and I will do them - quickly and correctly. I am easily managed – but you must be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few
lessons, I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of great people, and alas, of all failures as well. Those who are great, I have made them great.
Those who are failures, I have made their failures.
I am not a machine though, I work with the precision of a machine, plus the intelligence of a person.
You may run me for profit or run me for ruin - it makes no difference to me. Take me, train me, be firm with me, and make the right choice for me.
I will place the world at your feet.
Be kind and easy on me or you will suffer the consequences. Who am I?
Please Read it Reversed! .tibaH eht ma I
Life Is A Journey
Life is a journey through many terrain
From gardens of pleasure to deserts of pain From an ocean of love to a jungle of hate From mountains of glory to canyons of fate There's a highway for joy and a highway for sorrow A road for today and a road for tomorrow
So choose your path wisely and walk with care
If you follow your heart, you'll find your way there I've been to the garden and planted seeds there I've been to the desert and felt the despair
I've swam in the ocean and drank of it's wine
I climbed up the mountain to touch the sky I went to the canyon and started to cry
I've traveled both highways, Both today and tomorrow I've basked in the joy and wallowed in sorrow
My path has been chosen and I've walked it with care I followed my heart and I'm on my way there
So I'll just keep walking till I find what I'm after To mountains and oceans and gardens of laughter.
Author Unknown
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans...
Life is a Gift
Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on
your face and think: you're alive and still around...
you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has
nothing to eat..
you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone
who's crying to have a companion.
before you complain about life - Think of someone who died early.
And when
whining about the distance you drive, - Think of someone who
walks the same distance with their feet.
you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the
unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.
Because Life is Short... Forgive Quickly, Kiss Slowly, Love Truly,
Laugh Uncontrollably, Never Regret anything that made you Smile. Life may not be the Party we Hoped for, but while we're here, we should Dance...
Love is the Only Thing that Matters
I wonder how could we wake up the World more fully to the only thing that matters, love, and to the only expression that will get us from one world to the next, love.
We need to be reminded over and over and over again until we get that the only reason we are here, is to love.
Every day we need to be ready to be birthed into a completely different life, where love rules above and beyond all else.
We must look to ourselves. Every single one of us is being positioned to be the change we wish to see in the world.
How will we be different? What will we do differently in this new life?
What poisons and toxins, discontent and story will we each transmute that still lurks in the shadows?
How humble are we willing to become to transmute our own disassociation and discord, with love?
We are the regenerators, the guiding forces behind a new reality. Once prepared to take care of our needs, and the basic needs for our families and animals, we must turn our attention to love at a level we have never participated in before.
The Divine Love is the reason we all came to this Planet.
Wherever we are, we are loved and watched over by the Divine. We are grateful to be waking up every day
and knowing that we are part of a loving humanity.
“When you awaken from this dream called your physical life, you will realize
that you have had everything that could be desired within you all the while. The price you are paying to learn this is bigger than you know. When you journey within to where Source resides as you, the
Peace that is there will override all else. This is reality.
You become Peace. Peace becomes you.”
K. Koot Hoomi 1884 66
Peace is the unification of all differences, whereby humanity can safely participate in the natural development of the universe.
Peace is a state of mind whereby thoughts and actions which are initiated into the world bring no harm to others or to the environment.
Peace is a world where all of humanity can grow together for the betterment of the planet.
What Really Matters
Not what you bought, but what you built.
Not what you got, but what you gave.
Not your success, but your significance.
Not what you learned, but what you taught.
Not your competence, but your character.
Not how many people you knew,
but how many will feel a lasting loss when you are gone.
A life lived that matters is not circumstances,
but of choice.
A Thousand Hands
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
A thousand hands will naturally come to your aid
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
You will reach out with a thousand hands to help others.
“The time will come in the near future and we will see many societal changes, economic downfalls and geological disasters, but the Return of the Divine will bring gifts of new hope for all humanity. It will be a time to right the wrongs of the past and set the pattern of a future filled with opportunity for every one to reach their true potential that at the next great turning of the wheel they can claim their birthright to join the immortals.
The Divine will return to Teach Love of Oneself, Love of Each Other and, above all, Love of the Creator. May the Almighty and Everlasting Source shine
Light on each One.” page 20.
The Return of the... / Written by Gillian Dearmond Green
The Law of the Universe
When a Person causes another to suffer or to distrust, he brings suffering upon himself and is not trusted.
When mankind is careless and causes his environment to suffer, he brings like suffering upon himself through his environment.
All is One within the mirror of life, not just concerning man's relationship with man, but his relationship with all of life.
Because of the Universe loving nature,
all within nature reaps what it sows... to help us find our
way back home... to Love.
So remember kindness to any living thing will see kindness returned.
We really will reap what we sow and seeds planted will flower and grow.
Don't Waste Your Energy
Markus Rothkranz
Nothing affects your health, well being, happiness and success more than the energy coming from your mind. It is so powerful, it affects everything everywhere instantaneously. In one study, a man's blood tested fine. Then when he got very emotional, his tests suddenly showed he had diabetes. When he relaxed, the tests were fine again. Sour thoughts make your body sour. Love and inspiration heals and empowers. Watch what kind of energy you are creating in your body and life.
Negative energy makes your body sour and immediately starts making you sick. It has been scientifically proven that negativity kills. Nobel prizes have been awarded on the discovery that you can change your DNA within seconds just by the way you think. No diet or yoga in the world is going to make you better if you are judgmental towards others or jealous. Stop assuming. Stop ANYTHING that's negative. This means stop voting thumbs
down on Youtube or leaving judgemental comments of any kind to anyone. It doesn't matter if you think you are right. (there is no right or wrong anyway, only opinion). It doesn't matter. It all boils down to this- EVERYTHING is energy. If you point out someone's "flaws" or weakness, you are putting energy into it and making it stronger and weakening yourself in the process with your negative energy. Focus instead on strengths and good qualities. Watch what happens when you compliment your enemy- suddenly they aren't your enemy anymore!
Stop focussing on all those conspiracy theories. It doesn't matter if they are true or not. Stop fighting what you think is the enemy (or even just fearing it or dwelling on it)- and start putting all your energy into strengthening the good. Fighting something just makes it stronger. That is why wars escalate and relationships end. You may think you are doing good by fighting bad, but you're just escalating the battle. You can spend lots of energy and resources fighting something, or you can compliment your enemy and end it right now.
Do not waste your time comparing yourself with others or voting thumbs down on anything in life, do not think you are better than anyone, do not feel insecure or jealous because someone else is better looking or has more money or whatever. Stop trying to validate something with negativity and spiteful reasoning. You are only killing yourself. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and feeling like a victim. You catch yourself thinking something negative about someone else, realize you are pouring acid on your life, which is corroding your body and taking years off your life.
If you can't, walk away, distance yourself from ANY source of negativity in your life. If your job, your relationship, your food, your "friends", the internet or anything is negative, LEAVE IT! Don't wait for it to change. It's not your job to change it. Your job is to be positive, otherwise you are no good to them anyway. It doesn't matter if you have the responsibility of children, you can still free yourself from anything holding you back in life.
Energy goes in either one direction or the other. Negative or positive. One kills, the other promotes life. The choice is yours. There is no middle ground. When there is no positive or negative, there is no energy, no movement. Movement is life. You must move. Your legs don't start walking until you THINK of walking. You don't eat junk food until you THINK of doing it. You are in control. This includes your thoughts. Choose wisely. Your life depends on it.
Some Thoughts from
Ancient Writings
“Do deeds of goodness and led a goodly life”
Bring no evil to any man willfully or with malice. Live forever within the Region of Light.
Do deeds of goodness and led a goodly life.
Overcome the wiles of wickedness and avoid the snares of temptation,
live in peace with your neighbors, deal justly and fairly with them. Do not gossip about your neighbors, nor engaged in idle chatter concerning their affairs.
These things are not easy, and as no man or women is perfect, man has bad temper under provocation.
Therefore, speak words that will weigh in the balances against your failings. Do not caused the widow to weep, nor the child to cry without cause.
Deal justly with anybody. Do not wound any man willfully.
Yet no man is perfect and when your burdens have weighed heavily upon you or spoken harshly.
Never oppress a poor man or take from him what is his by virtue. Never oppress the weak or cheat in the substance of metals.
Do not lay with the wife of another man or seduce a child, for these are abominations.
Yet no man or women is perfect and few are commanders of their thoughts.
Do not turn the water of another so that he is deprived of his full measure. Do not stop flowing waters in their course.
Do not keep fodder from cattle, nor allow the pastures to be neglected.
Do not cause any child to know fear without reason, nor beat one in bad temper.
Yet no man or women is perfect and sometimes that which is right in its day becomes wrong in another.
Therefore, speak words that will weigh in the balances against your wrongdoings and balances against your weaknesses.
Do not steel, neither take the possessions of any man by deceit.
Do not divide the household of any man, nor separate him from his wife or children.
Do not quarrel with any man because of ignorance.
Do not turn from your duties or fail in your obligations. Do not hide your errors or bury your failings.
Never behave boisterously in a sacred place, nor have ever defile one. Do not I deal haughtily with those who came to you with a plea.
Do not increase your position by false words or writings. Yet no man or women is perfect.
Do not permit envy to eat your heart, nor malice to corrupt it. Don't be a loud mouth, nor speak words of boastfulness.
Never slandered another or utter words of falsehood.
Your tongue should never escape from the control of your heart.
Never deride the words of another because they passed your understanding, or have stopped your ears to words of enlightenment.
Never hide yourself to observe others, or never disclose the secret designs or doings of others, unless they be of evil intent.
When you have done wrong you have
adjusted the scales that weighed down heavily against you.
Do not hide your weaknesses and failings in dark places, but washed them clean in the sunlight of honest compensation.
You have not succumbed to the lures of lewdness,
nor has your tongue spoken slyly of things which should be kept private.
Do not peep at nakedness or pyre into another's privacy.
Respected the modesty of womankind and the innocent delicacy of childhood.
Yet men are as they are and imperfect, while thoughts stray
willfully and are not easily restrained.
Pray to the Divine One, to protect you and give you wisdom.
Listen to the words of your heart.
Be ever mindful of what is right and what is wrong.
Choose what thought is right and shun which thought is wrong. Listen to those who are wiser than you, help those who are less privileged.
Can man do more?
He who receives kindness should never forget it, but he who performs it should never remember it.
In true giving we will know loving kindness when we wish others to be happy. We will know compassion when we wish them free from suffering.
We will know sympathetic joy whe we wish their happiness to increase.
We will know equanimity when we let go of what we desire.
My Final Words
If there is kindness and goodness in the heart,
there will be beauty in the character.
If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
This is my sincere prayer and desire from my heart
Steve Dudas
“Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion.”
If you would like to receive
FREE e – books, on different subjects like
health, cancer treatment, diabetes, raw food, sunlight, sodium fluoride, history of humankind,
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Life is a Gift Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.. Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying to have a companion. Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who died early. Before whining about the distance you drive, - Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job. And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and think: you're alive and still around...
Life is a Gift
Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has
nothing to eat..
Before Today
Before you complain about your husband or wife
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on
your face and think: you're alive and still around...
you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has
nothing to eat..
you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone
who's crying to have a companion.
before you complain about life - Think of someone who died early.
And when
whining about the distance you drive, - Think of someone who
walks the same distance with their feet.
you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the
unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.
The Kindness 2
The Kindness 2
- Kindness
- -----------------------------
- Believe in Good
- -----------------------------
- Acts of Kindness
- -----------------------------
- Simple Act of Kindness
- -----------------------------
- Message to the People
- -----------------------------
- Light for the World
- -----------------------------
- Libertà
- -----------------------------
- The Origins of Music
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿
- -----------------------------
- Lifetime Wisdom
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿
- -----------------------------
- ☀︎ Fatty Liver
- -----------------------------
- Do Not Use Oil at All
- Most Harmful in Food
- Fat & Sugar Do Not Mix
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿
- -----------------------------
- Brain Health
- Marijuana Use
- The Brain on Cannabis
- The Common Cold
- Educational
- -----------------------------
- Dangers of Soy
- -----------------------------
- The Miracle of Coffee
- -----------------------------
- The Fountain of Youth
- -----------------------------
- Eat Your Vaccine
- Food Poisoning - 2O23
- -----------------------------
- Miracle of Breathing
- Stop Mouth Breathing
- -----------------------------
- Iridology
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿
- -----------------------------
- Protect Your Kidneys
- Protect Your Teeth
- Protect Your Eyesight
- Save Your Tonsils
- -----------------------------
- Food for Aging
- -----------------------------
- Green for Life
- -----------------------------
- Hot Water Cure
- -----------------------------
- Why People are Sick
- -----------------------------
- Healing for the Sick
- -----------------------------
- Heal Eye Problems
- -----------------------------
- Mucusless Diet
- -----------------------------
- Not Stored in Fridge
- -----------------------------
- Natural Remedies
- -----------------------------
- The Danger of Wireless
- -----------------------------
- Books You Need in Life
- -----------------------------
- AGNI the General
- -----------------------------
- Cancer
- Acidic Body
- Cancer Heals - 48 Hrs.
- -----------------------------
- Dr. Null and Dr. Lodi
- -----------------------------
- Toxic Laundry
- -----------------------------
- Drinking With Meals
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 L O S E W E I G H T
- -----------------------------
- How to Lose Weight
- Lose Weight / 2
- Pure and Simple / 1
- Pure and Simple / 2
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿
- -----------------------------
- Food Combining
- -----------------------------
- Fat and Sugar
- 80 - 10 - 10 Diet
- Danger of Sugar & Fat
- Help for PCOS
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 O I L
- -----------------------------
- Stop Heating Oil
- Cooking Without Oil
- Olive Oil is Bad for You
- -----------------------------
- World Health Retreats
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿
- -----------------------------
- Avoid Natural Flavors
- GMO Food
- Glyphosate
- H2o / Sodium Fluoride
- Poison of the Century
- Silent Killer / MSG
- Sugar / Bitter Truth
- Sore Throat - Use Zink
- Vitamin D
- 5 LOX - Lethal Enzyme
- What are Prions?
- Worst Ingredient ...
- -----------------------------
- Funny French Videos
- -----------------------------
- What is GcMAF?
- -----------------------------
- End of Mental Illness
- -----------------------------
- Extremely Dangerous
- -----------------------------
- World's 6 Best Doctors
- -----------------------------
- Autoimmune Disease
- -----------------------------
- Benefits of Oranges
- -----------------------------
- Miracle of Cucumber
- -----------------------------
- DHA Deficiency
- -----------------------------
- Danger of Vinegar
- -----------------------------
- Extremely Toxic
- -----------------------------
- What are Lectins?
- -----------------------------
- How to Make Kefir
- Coconut Kefir
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿
- -----------------------------
- Global Intoxication
- Suicide Cult
- Snitch Culture
- The Hidden Truth
- War Against Marriage
- -----------------------------
- Danger of Face Masks
- -----------------------------
- The Real Purpose
- What is a Virus?
- Dr. Lanka - VIRUS
- Dr. Lenkei - The Virus
- The mRNA Vaccination
- This is Not a Vaccine
- Science
- The Invisible Rainbow
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 J U I C I N G
- -----------------------------
- Celery Juice
- Medical Medium
- Medical Medium Book
- The Miracle of Juicing
- Juicers / Blenders
- Juicing - Jay Cordich
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿 🌿
- -----------------------------
- Linus Paulig
- Vitamin C
- Cancer & Vitamin C
- Dr. Hoffer's Vitamins
- 6000 x Vitamin C
- -----------------------------
- Astaxanthin
- -----------------------------
- Truth About Cancer
- -----------------------------
- Danger of PLASTIC
- -----------------------------
- Unsafe at Any Meal
- -----------------------------
- Hybrid Foods
- -----------------------------
- Health Videos
- -----------------------------
- -----------------------------
- Coffee /Alcohol / Brain
- Coffee / Deadly Poison
- -----------------------------
- Coca Cola and Soda
- The Result of Cooking
- McVegan Burger
- Avoid Alzheimer
- Alzheimer's and Prion
- Worse Than Cigarettes
- Everyone is Allergic
- -----------------------------
- Uplifting Music
- The Best of Kuranesh
- The Habit
- Friend of the Animals
- Just a Mother
- -----------------------------
- Bio Superfood
- Power of Q 96
- What the Health
- Bragg Aminos / Poison
- -----------------------------
- Super Nutrition
- Banana / Miracle Fruit
- -----------------------------
- Cure for Headache
- Diet for Acne
- High Doses / Vitamin D
- Research on Aging
- Repair Your DNA
- -----------------------------
- Cure for Mental Illness
- Mental Health
- -----------------------------
- The Story of My Life
- The Tombstone
- -----------------------------
- Grandfather's Wisdom
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 D I A B E T E S
- -----------------------------
- Reverse Diabetes
- Nutrition for Diabetes
- What to Eat / Diabetes
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 B E A U T I E S
- -----------------------------
- Beauty of Character
- Beauty of Children
- Beauty of Kindness
- Beauty of Women
- The Beauty of Man
- -----------------------------
- Beauty of Animals
- Beauty of Clouds
- Beauty of Birds
- Beauty of Desert
- Beauty of Macro
- Beauty of Winter
- Beauty of Flowers
- Unique Flowers
- Poems
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 K I N D N E S S
- -----------------------------
- Kindness & Gratitude
- Kindness & Swearing
- Kindness & Generosity
- Kindness / Individuality
- Kindness & Happiness
- Kindness and Freedom
- Kindness & Love
- Kindness in SPAIN
- Kindness Quotations
- Fairy Magic Songs
- Just Play a Song
- No Negative People
- Paradox of Our Age
- A Film for Peace
- A Revolutionary Idea
- Behind Pornography
- Book of Kindness
- Letter of Love
- Money and People
- Poverty
- Prayer for My Children
- Videos on Kindness
- Radiation of Kindness
- Why Walk We Can Fly
- Who Will Dare to Love
- -----------------------------
- Message of Peace
- 365 Days for Travelers
- -----------------------------
- Homeless
- Need or Greed
- -----------------------------
- Courageous Woman
- Food of Kindness
- Kindness Only
- Universal Quotes Facts
- Signs of the Times
- -----------------------------
- Divorce and Children
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 H A P P I N E S S
- -----------------------------
- Ho'oponopono
- Key to Happiness
- Happiness and Peace
- -----------------------------
- Happy Place on Earth
- Happy Place on Earth 2
- Trap of Materialism
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 H E A L T H
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 M O V I E S
- -----------------------------
- Our Daily Poison
- Earthling
- Food Inc. / Cowspiracy
- Food Matters
- Forks Over Knife
- Health Videos
- Thrive / Full Movie
- Origins Movie
- Powerful Speech
- -----------------------------
- Film About Life
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 C A N C E R
- -----------------------------
- Cure Cancer
- Cure with Wheatgrass
- Cancer... / Dr. Circus
- Cancer Risk / At Home
- Cancer & Vitamin C
- Dr. Leonard Caldwel
- Ginger & Cancer
- Hot Dog = Cancer
- Potato Chips
- Thyme / Chamomile
- 7 Top Cancer Foods
- -----------------------------
- Truth About Cancer
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 G R A S S / C U R E
- -----------------------------
- Miracle of Wheatgrass
- 50 Reasons
- Super Food Living
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 M A G I C A L
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 M A R K U S
- R O T H K R A N Z
- -----------------------------
- Magical Recipe
- Incredible P I Z Z A
- Loose Weight / Markus
- Heal Your Face
- Heal Yourself 101
- Edible Weeds
- Raw Food Ideas
- Miracles
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 H O W - T O
- L O S E - W E I G H T
- -----------------------------
- How to Lose Weight
- Loose Weight / Markus
- Raw Food / Works
- -----------------------------
- World Peace Diet
- The 80 - 10 - 10 Diet
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 W O R S T F O O D
- 🌿 W H E A T / E T C .
- G L U T E N F R E E
- -----------------------------
- Bread
- Gluten Brain
- Extreme Dangers
- Food for Faster Aging
- Is Wheat Poison?
- Is Quinoa Gluten Free?
- Is Corn Gluten-Free?
- Leaky Guts Syndrome
- Mental Health / Gluten
- No Starch for Infants
- Rice / High in Arsenic
- Wheat Belly
- Dark Side of Wheat
- Worst Food # 1
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 R A W - F O O D
- -----------------------------
- Raw Food
- Fully Raw Videos
- Green Smoothies
- Garden Diet
- Raw Food Recipes
- Goldenseal
- Deception / Raw Juice
- Naked Juice
- Most Pesticides Food
- Real Raw Food Canada
- Tanny Raw
- 30 x Nutrition
- 10 Healthiest Fruits
- -----------------------------
- Avoid Acidity
- Best Papaya
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 G R E E N - T H E
- M I R A C L E - F O O D
- -----------------------------
- Green Smoothies
- Green Smoothies / 2
- Red Malabar Spinach
- Is Kale a Miracle Food?
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 R E T R E A T S
- -----------------------------
- Puerto Rico - Healing
- ECUADOR Paradise
- Garden of Healing
- Eden Home Resort
- Raw Retreat Costa Rica
- Rancho La Puerta
- Dr. Sebi's Healing
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 C O F F E E
- -----------------------------
- Dr. Amen on Coffee
- Dangers of Coffee
- Side Effects of Coffee
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 C A C A O
- -----------------------------
- Dangers of Cacao
- Cacao / 2
- Carob
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 S U N L I G H T
- -----------------------------
- Sunlight the Miracle
- Sungazing
- Sunlight by Dr. Kime
- Solar Civilization
- Sunlight / Sungazing
- Sabiduria Cosmica
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 M E A T
- -----------------------------
- Meat
- -----------------------------
- Five Poison in Meat
- -----------------------------
- Avoid Some Fish
- Chicken
- Food Inc.
- A Powerful Speech
- Hot Dog = Cancer
- Meat of the Future
- Beyond Vegetarianism
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 F A S T F O O D
- -----------------------------
- Extremely Toxic
- Fast Food
- Children & Junk Food
- Fast Food Poison
- French Fries
- Is Subway Real Food?
- McDonald”s Food USA
- Mockery of Humanity
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 G M O
- -----------------------------
- What is GMO Food?
- Glyphosate
- Glyphosate News
- GMO News
- GMO and the DNA
- 20 GMO Food
- GMO Products
- 1000 X Toxic
- Please Wake Up!
- Against Humanity
- GMO Bans and Laws
- GMO Corn
- GMO & Russia
- GMO Linked to Gluten
- Health Ranger
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 A L U M I N U M
- -----------------------------
- Dark Side of Aluminum
- Aluminum / Autism
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 C O O K W A R E
- -----------------------------
- Aluminum Cookware
- Cookwares Danger
- Crock Pots
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 G E O
- E N G I N E E R I N G
- C H E M T R A I L
- -----------------------------
- Reasons Behind
- Geo Engineering / 1
- Geo Engineering / 2
- Geo Engineering / 3
- Complete Theory
- Climate Control
- Chemtrail Material
- -----------------------------
- What Chemtrails Are
- Vaccines / Chemtrails
- Chemtrail Protection
- Engineered Drought
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 S O L U T I O N
- -----------------------------
- Solution for Chemtrail
- Population Control
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 M O R G E L L O N S
- -----------------------------
- Morgellons Disease
- Morgellons / 2
- Old Age
- Harald Kautz - Vella
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 A R T I F I C I A L
- I N T E L L I G E N C E
- -----------------------------
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence II
- Black Goo
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 R A D I A T I O N
- -----------------------------
- 5G Cell Phone Dangers
- Radiation
- Radiation / West Coast
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 O R G A N I C
- -----------------------------
- Go Organic
- Eating Organic
- Culinary Nightmares
- Eating Healthy / Mental
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 A V O C A D O
- -----------------------------
- Miracle of Avocado
- Avocado / 2
- Avocado SEED
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 C O C O N U T
- -----------------------------
- Miracle of Coconut
- For Dental Health / 1
- For Dental Health / 2
- Why Palm Sugar?
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 M I R A C L E
- F O O D
- -----------------------------
- Green Smoothies
- Miracle of Greens
- Miracle of Wheatgrass
- Miracle of Wild Green
- Is Kale a Miracle Food?
- Miracle of Alfalfa
- Miracle Root / Beet
- Miracle of Cherry
- Miracle of Fulvic Acid
- -----------------------------
- How to Make Kefir
- Miracle Goat Milk
- Miracle of Lemon
- Walnut
- 5 "Careful" Super Food
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 B A N A N A
- -----------------------------
- Miracle of Banana
- Banana / Loose Weight
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 A L O E - V E R A
- -----------------------------
- Aloe Vera
- Aloe Vera / 2
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 T O B A C C O
- -----------------------------
- Organic Tobacco
- Cigarette Additives
- Eating vs. Smoking
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 F R E E B O O K S
- -----------------------------
- Dr. Shelton / Free PDF
- Books on Health
- Tissue Cleaning
- Diet by Design
- -----------------------------
- Anastasia
- I Ching Book
- Napoleon Hill
- The Power of Now
- The Power of Now / 2
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 H E A L T H
- -----------------------------
- Calm Nerves
- Diet in Few Words
- DOLLAR Stores ?
- Canola Oil / Facts
- Food for the Eye
- Mitochondria
- Moringa / Super Food
- Natural Cures
- Organic Sulfur
- Sunlight
- The Silent Ecocide
- 92 Side Effects
- -----------------------------
- I M M U N I Z A T I O N
- -----------------------------
- Immunization
- History of Medication
- Untold Horrors
- Vaccines / Chemtrails
- Vaccination Via Air
- Vaxxed
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 S. F L U O R I D E
- -----------------------------
- H2o / Sodium Fluoride
- Sodium Fluoride / 2
- Sodium Fluoride / 3
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 W A T E R
- -----------------------------
- Alkaline Water
- Test for Fluoride
- H2o Alkalinity
- H2o Ionizers
- How to Mineralize H2o
- Fluoride Toxicity
- Plastic Bottles & BPA
- H2O / Empty Stomach
- What Water to Drink
- Water & Lemon Juice
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 C O C A - C O L A
- S O D A S
- -----------------------------
- Coca Cola and Soda
- Red Bull etc.
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 S U G A R
- -----------------------------
- Sugar / Bitter Truth
- Aspartame
- Aspartame Poisoning
- Cancer Risk to Millions
- Erythritol / Sugar
- Honey
- Maple Sugar
- Molasses
- Why Palm Sugar?
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 D E T O X
- -----------------------------
- Liver & Kidney Cleanse
- Tissue Cleaning
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 A S T H M A
- -----------------------------
- Asthma
- Breathing
- Replace Prednison
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 H E A L I N G
- -----------------------------
- Alzheimer, Arthritis / 1
- Arthritis / 2
- Food for Inflammation
- Ear Infection
- Heartburn
- Irritable B. Syndrom
- Prions & Alzheimer
- Shingles
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 D E N T I S T R Y
- -----------------------------
- Dental Health / 1
- Dental Health / 2
- Magnesium for Teeth
- Root Canal
- Toxic Teeth
- What is Wrong
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 D A N G E R S
- -----------------------------
- Dangers of Cocoa
- Danger of Grapes / 1
- Dangers of Microwave
- Dangers of Night Shade
- Dangers of Salt
- Potato
- -----------------------------
- Grapefruit/Medication
- -----------------------------
- Onion Toxicity
- Toxic Garlic
- 10 Top Poisonous Food
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 M I L K
- -----------------------------
- Truth about Milk
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 T O X I C F O O D
- A D D I T I V E
- -----------------------------
- Our Daily Poison
- Toxic Food Additives
- Toxic Pizza
- Pesticide in Citrus
- Poison on Your Platter
- Toxic Light Bulbs
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 W E L L N E S S
- -----------------------------
- Iridology
- Maggot Therapy
- Stool Examination
- Over 1000
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 C O S M E T I C S
- -----------------------------
- Dangers of Make-Up / 1
- Dangers of Make-Up / 2
- Natural Cosmetics
- Toxic Cosmetics
- Heal Your Face
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 C H I L D R E N
- -----------------------------
- Dr. Mendelson
- -----------------------------
- -----------------------------
- -----------------------------
- Dr. D. G. Amen Clinic
- Niacin / Mental Illness
- Niacin / Vitamin B3
- Niacin Deficency
- Schizophrenia
- Real Story of Niacin
- -----------------------------
- Lithium Orotate
- -----------------------------
- Anxiety
- Anxiety / 2
- Can Autism Be Cured
- Gut and Mental Illness
- Heal Depression
- Help for Mental Illness
- -----------------------------
- Dr. Abram Hoffer
- Dr. Hoffer's Vitamins
- Dr. Andrew Saul Videos
- Shocking Effects
- -----------------------------
- Mental Health / Gluten
- Mental Health & Wheat
- Medication Withdrawal
- List of SSRI Medication
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 V I T A M I N S
- M I N E R A L S
- -----------------------------
- Ascorbic Acid / Avoid It
- Calcium Supplement
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin K2
- Vitamin D / Grounded
- Magnesium / 1
- Magnesium / 2
- Niacin / Vitamin B3
- Niacin Deficency
- Niacin / Mental Illness
- Selenium
- Real Story of Niacin
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 E X E R C I S E
- -----------------------------
- Benefits of Trampoline
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 G A R D E N I N G
- -----------------------------
- Starvation is Over
- -----------------------------
- Back to Eden
- Better than Organic
- Organic Gardening
- Secret of Eldorado
- $300 Greenhouse
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 G E N E R A L
- I N F O R M A T I O N
- -----------------------------
- Paul Harvey / 1965
- Art
- Charlotte Iserbyt
- Educational / Hand
- Free Energy
- Food Contains Nanite
- Fibonacci Numbers
- How to Tip
- Home Sweet Home
- How to Grow Rich
- Hunza People
- Ice Cube Effect
- Kellogg
- Kundalini Rising
- Long Hair
- More Than Reality
- Sad Story
- The Universe
- Valhalla Culture
- World Toughest Job
- 8 Toxic People
- -----------------------------
- No More Prednison
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 F L O W E R S
- -----------------------------
- Flowers Unimaginable
- Rózsa Özön
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 M U S I C
- -----------------------------
- Panflute Collection
- Around the World
- Beauty of Music
- Carlo Gallozzi - Music
- Child / Anak
- Encouragement
- Kitaro - Music
- Libertà - Italian
- Lona - Music
- Michele Ippolito
- Music
- Music for Anxiety
- Music 2 / Beethoven
- Secret Garden - Music
- Miel de Booton / Music
- -----------------------------
- Andreea Petcu - Music
- Michel Pépé
- Steve McDonald
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 H I S T O R Y
- -----------------------------
- Ancient Mystery
- Chinese Wisdom
- Dragonology
- The Future
- The Great Controversy
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 I N T E R V I E W S
- -----------------------------
- Simon Parkes
- Harald Kautz - Vella
- Harald Kautz - Vella / 2
- -----------------------------
- -----------------------------
- Entertaining Videos
- Humorous
- Talent Shows
- Treasures of Info.
- The Snake
- -----------------------------
- Consciousness
- Freedom of Speech
- Law of Attraction
- Simple Truth Movies
- 45 Wisdom for Man
- -----------------------------
- Mucusless Diet
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 P R O B I O T I C
- -----------------------------
- Coconut Yoghurt
- Cultured Food Life
- Probiotic / BB 536
- How to / Kombutcha
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 K E F I R
- -----------------------------
- History of Kefir
- The Value of Kefir
- How to Make Kefir - 2
- -----------------------------
- Sun Light Lamp
- Sleeping
- -----------------------------
- Dr. Mercola
- Green Med Info
- -----------------------------
- Clean Your Arteries
- Clean the Mercury
- -----------------------------
- Calcium Removal
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 A N T I - A G I N G
- -----------------------------
- Secret of Long Life
- Anti Aging Diet
- Elder Action
- Inflammation of Aging
- Telomere / Anti Aging
- Young Again
- -----------------------------
- Monoatomic Gold
- -----------------------------
- Senior Discount
- -----------------------------
- -----------------------------
- Age of Treason
- Articles / Whole Food
- Chia Seed
- Contaminated
- Doctor Yourself . Com
- -----------------------------
- Epson Salt
- FODMAP Food List
- For Beautiful Hair
- Heal Gout Naturally
- Health Science
- Iodine
- Iron Absorption
- -----------------------------
- Miracle Treasure Book
- Pictures With Meanings
- Points of Diseases
- Rice / Tomato / Potato
- Rife Machine
- Today's Worst Disease
- Future Vaccination
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 M I X E D / I N F O
- -----------------------------
- Food Craving
- Friends
- Frequency 432 Hz
- Hydrogen Peroxid
- Improve Your Vision
- Improve Your Vision /2
- Books
- How to Make Oetmeal
- -----------------------------
- Life Expectancy Test
- Carl Blechen
- Never Buy New Battery
- Something Deadly
- -----------------------------
- 🌿 B E A U T I F U L
- -----------------------------
- Beauty of Trees
- Beauty of Nature
- Nature Videos
- Unique Pictures
- Unusual Pictures
- Act of Kindness
- -----------------------------
- How to Stop Bed Bugs
- -----------------------------
- Lou Corona
- -----------------------------
- Anti Inflamatory
- -----------------------------
- Aloe Vera for Cancer
- -----------------------------
- Craiglist Check Scam
- -----------------------------
- Legal Shield
- -----------------------------
- Bentonite Clay
- -----------------------------
- Niner Simeon
- -----------------------------
- Colors
- -----------------------------
- GMO Potatoe Alert
- -----------------------------
- Amazing Result of C60
- -----------------------------
- Target is Humanity
- -----------------------------
- Surviving in Russia
- -----------------------------
- Meridian
- -----------------------------
- Danger of Products
- -----------------------------
- Pelvic Prolapse
- -----------------------------
- Gluten Free Bread
- -----------------------------
- Chronic Diseases
- -----------------------------
- 20 Healthiest Fruits
- -----------------------------
- Poison of the Century
- -----------------------------
- Book of the Damned
- -----------------------------
- Miracle of Fasting
- -----------------------------
- PI - Archimedes
- -----------------------------
- Dangerous / NANO
- -----------------------------
- Insanity - No Result
- -----------------------------
- Pelvic Floor Prolapse
- -----------------------------
- Heal Your Brain
- -----------------------------
- Greenhouse in Snow
- -----------------------------
- Chemtrails & Contrails
- -----------------------------
- Beauty of Fathers
- -----------------------------
- Japanese Hermit
- -----------------------------
- You are What You Eat
- -----------------------------
- Hormesis Effect
- -----------------------------
- GMO Children
- -----------------------------
- Bad News / Organic
- -----------------------------
- Everything on 5G
- 5G Dangers
- 5G Cell Phone Dangers
- 5G Dangers / Part 2
- 5G / Mass Bird Deaths
- -----------------------------
- 2025
- -----------------------------
- Chemtrail Sunset
- -----------------------------
- Mystrious Dual Sunset
- -----------------------------
- Vitamin K
- -----------------------------
- Zinc and Selenium
- -----------------------------
- Selenium
- -----------------------------
- Alzheimer
- -----------------------------
- 369 The Magic Number
- -----------------------------
- Mad World
- -----------------------------
- Baby and Cell Phone
- -----------------------------
- 2 + 2 = 5 / 2 + 2 = 22
- -----------------------------
- Quercetin
- -----------------------------
- Right and Wrong
- -----------------------------
- Meridian
- -----------------------------
- Positive Thoughts
- Salvestrols & Cancer
- -----------------------------
- 3 Times More Energy
- -----------------------------
- Raw Food Explained
- Edible Weeds
- -----------------------------
- Macht Brot Krank?
- -----------------------------
- Union Express Loans
- -----------------------------
- Humanity Today
- The Invisible Rainbow
- -----------------------------
- Poison of the Century
- -----------------------------
- Dr. Robert Beck
- -----------------------------
- Chicken Farm
- -----------------------------
- -----------------------------
- Kindness & Peace
- Szeretet és Béke
- Spiritual Nutrition
- Spiritual Nutrition - 2
- Alternative Research
- -----------------------------
- Grizzly Adams - FREE
- Noncompliant
- -----------------------------
- Science of the HEART
- Good Books
- Food For Longevity
- Zen Index - Books
- Benefits of Cucumber
- -----------------------------
- Orchids
- Leo Tolstoy
- Melani Vermay
- Wild Bluberries
- Green Funerals
- Garden - John Jeavons
- More on Coffee
- Wisdom for Daily Life
- Diet for Beauty
- Diet for a Long Life
- Gabriel Cousin
- Lebenslange Weisheit
- Planet
- Survey Confirms
- -----------------------------
- Nőközpontú Közösség
- Ne Tárold a Hűtőben
- Ne Egyél Zsírt Cukorral
- A Zene Eredete
- Óvd a Veséd!
- Fibonacci - Számok
- Doves and Pigeons